A few days break.

in voilk •  2 months ago

    It's been a long winter and once xmas is over the months afterwards tend to be a bit grim. Apart form St Patrick's day we don't have much to look forward to other than rain and even more rain.

    Four months of it up to this week.

    But as the old saying goes. A break is as good as a change.

    So we're going for a little mini break for the weekend. Unfortunately for us it's a family break so we're taking the kids with us. That limits lot of what we can do but makes it fun in lots of other ways.

    Since they're only 2 and 4 the trip is all about them and fun family things. We haven't gone far with them for the past few years as it's hard to bring kids anywhere until they get a bit older.

    We definitely weren't going to take a foreign trip as it's nothing but hassle and not suitable for young kids anyway.

    So this is right up our alley at the moment.

    A nice hotel.
    A good leisure center.
    Dublin Zoo on Friday.
    A big pet farm on Saturday.

    My sister also lives in the same area so we are going to spend a night at hers and her family who are the same age.

    It might not be too exciting to a lot of people but we're happy to get a break from the monotony of daily life and work. Happy to get some nice food in the hotel and a few sneaky pints in the evening.

    I'll try not to leave our kids in one of the zoo cages but most days they are like wild animals themselves so it can get soncfusing.

    All they do is eat, sleep, shout and make strange noises.

    Just like wild animals.

    So a break is exactly what we need after the long wet winter. Clear the head and put us all in better form.

    We all need to switch off from work every so often and reset the head.

    I will probably bring the laptop as well since we will be in the hotel early and it's my way to unwind. But apart from that no serious business.

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