Hive Project News: CTPSB, EDSD and UTOPIS

in voilk •  5 months ago
    There's always something happening in the Hive ecosystem! Not only the little bull-run we've been enjoying, but so many projects ebbing and flowing... coming and going.
    Three in particular-- CTPSB, EDSD and UTOPIS-- have caught my attention for different reasons, and I thought I'd shed some light. I hope that's cool. 😎


    I'm trying to improve my content game and be more consistent... and, like I said, there is always something to talk about here on #Hive! Time is the main hurdle usually, but I'm off to a good start.

    So let's say I skip any further ado and dive right in. 👇

    The Swarm Booster Token is Evolving!

    The #CTPSB token has been among my top Hive Engine holdings for a while, and it was also one of my first HP delegations. The token's price chart, you can see plainly, certainly gives peace of mind.

    CTPSB Token Price Chart Hive Engine.PNG
    Screenshot from

    So What's Changing?

    Ugh. There's the rub... or at least that's how I think some people will interpret the situation. But it's not as bad as they think. And it will actually be good in the long run.

    But yeah: HP delegation rewards from @ctpsb are ending. Now.

    See? It sounds bad.

    But just calm the hell down and think about it! They see that long-term growth will be difficult with the constant cost of rewarding its delegators. That capital could be better used to grow the account and boost the value of the CTPSB token.

    Better yet, get it directly from the source... check out @ctpsb's most recent post RIGHT HERE which details this change and requests that people undelegate their Hive Power.

    I did indeed undelegate most of my Hive Power, but not all of it... because I have faith that it is still a good investment. Its value is relative to its account strength, so my contribution will help.

    CTPSB Hive Power Delegation.png
    Created using my own likeness and Bitmoji.

    If all the delegators only took back 80% of their Hive Power, it would be a substantial boost to the growth of CTPSB and our investment. It's worth considering.

    And so is this next piece of Hive Engine news... a brand new, quite different offering from an existing project that I have already a lot of respect for.

    An HBD-Backed Income Token: EDSD

    If you haven't yet heard of @eddie-earner and the Saturday Savers Club, then you may have also missed the EDS token (Eddie Earners). Much like the community goal of helping each other achieve savings goals, disciplined EDS token holders are rewarded with weekly HIVE dividends!

    It has been one of my favourite tokens... I even delegate a chunk of Hive Power to @eds-vote to get more EDS tokens, and thus an increased HIVE income!

    The new token is a bit different, although it is part of the Eddie Earner family. This one-- EDSD, or Eddie Earner Dollars-- is a redeemable HBD-backed income token which will pay an EDS dividend.

    The nutshell is: you send any amount of HBD to @eds-d and you'll receive EDSD tokens (1 for 1). While you hold them, you'll be paid regular EDS dividends... and you can redeem the EDSD tokens anytime and get your #HBD back.

    fabian-blank-Saturday Savers Club EDS EDSD dividends-unsplash.jpg
    Image c/o Fabian Blank on Unsplash.

    So even if you do change your mind down the road, you'll still have those extra EDS tokens earning HIVE dividends without actually having spent anything. It's a win-win!

    Read more about it RIGHT HERE. And if you like the idea of a supportive community helping you stick to your savings goals, check out the most recent SATURDAY SAVERS CLUB POST.

    Now we've checked out one strong token going through important changes and one promising token just arrived on the scene...

    And Then There's UTOPIS.

    Umm... I dumped it. There, I said it.

    It's not like I had a huge pile of it or anything, but it used to be a personal favourite among the #Hive-Engine token ranks. It was one of my original income tokens, paying out HIVE for just holding it-- much like EDS tokens-- so I stacked some over time and felt pretty damn good about it. 😎

    I noticed a little while ago though that the HIVE income had long since dried up, and that the token creator-- @chronocrypto-- has also been MIA for almost a year.

    I'm in no position to judge... I just started posting myself after almost as long an absence. I hope everything is okay, and that @chronocrypto is healthy and happy. But I've been trying to simplify and strengthen my #Hive game, and this was a pretty easy equation to solve. I won't lie.

    Making Decisions on the Hive Blockchain- Tribes Hive Engine.png

    I don't mean that I take these matters lightly... I try to put a lot of thought into making smart decisions and supporting well-managed projects. I saw UTOPIS as a long-term play, so the unstaking and sale were not triggers I enjoyed pulling.

    That's life sometimes.

    And That's My Project News Highlights!

    A pretty exciting edition, I think. 😏

    I really do love talking about stuff like this, and I'm glad I could find such an interesting mix of Hive projects to tie together. Something new, something changed and...


    It's mostly good stuff, let's say. The CTPSB token will find its groove and keep growing. The EDSD token will be a valuable part of the Eddie Earner family, giving outstanding value to its holders and making EDS stronger over time.

    Mostly good stuff... but all good things come to an end. This just seems like that fated time for the UTOPIS project and token. The death of an icon, so to speak.

    UTOPIS Death- Hive Engine.png

    It's nothing personal... I'm just being my silly self.

    And this is definitely not financial advice. I could be wrong! Please do your own research and make decisions that align with your individual inclinations and goals.

    If I've missed anything or you have a different take on something, please let me know in the comments! I'm no expert by any measure... just a fellow #Hivian with two cents of his own.

    And you had enough sense to stick around and read that whole post! 😁
    I kid. But I really do appreciate your time. It means a lot. What are your favourite Hive tokens right now? Share your gravy with the group! Cheers: to knowing nothing truly and still finding our way to the moon. Have a great weekend, everyone! :)


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