My Saturday Doing What I Like to do

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello friends and Hivers. Yesterday I got out and went fishing. With everything that I have been going through it was something I really felt I needed. Not just for the fishing part but being out in nature itself. A place where I can hear various birds and and other sounds of nature. I ended up going to three different places.

    I started my day outside by doing some spring cleaning in the garage. I didn't spend too much time doing that because the sun was bright and that was just drawing me to leave. I thought why waste day light cleaning I can do this when there is no sun. I didn't re-visit the garage later either, haha.




    The first place I went was a lake nearby my house. The name of the place is Lake Manawa. It was a bit cold and the wind was crazy all day. My first fishing spot was in a canal area that offered some shelter away from the wind. I spent about 30 minutes in this spot and I was the only one in this area fishing. There was a parked vehicle nearby where a guy and his dog stayed in the vehicle. While fishing I heard an assortment of different bird sounds but I never saw a single one, than again my attention was on the water.




    It didn't take long for the fish to realize they missed me, haha. My first two casts I had bites and my fourth one I brought one in. I caught four in total and none of them were worthy to keep so they all were released to swim another day. On a windy chilly day like this catching anything is a plus but if I felt if stayed longer I might be missing the opportunity to catch bigger ones elsewhere.




    I headed to a second spot on this same lake and seen these geese. I didn't see any of them swimming and they seemed content just chilling on land. I decided to fish off a good sized dock. There was no break from the wind here. I had to cast hard against a stiff wind and my jig which also had a float above it was moving to fast with the wake of the water. I tried to fish close to the rocks off the shore line preventing this fast movement but that didn't work either. After I casted about 10 times I left this area. No fish caught here not even a bite. You can parity fishing with poker. Gotta know when to hold them throw them and know when to fold them reel them and walk away, haha. Usually a big reason why I like doing this activity by myself, I have that control 😊

    My next stop was to the gas station and pick up some ice. Normally I do this before hand but it worked out. If I had caught a keeper I would have have got ice right away. I went to third spot afterwards but there was a pack of people there so I decided to go on a a thirty minute road trip to a small pond on place called Arrowhead Pond.

    I was at ease on my drive there. I decided to listen to some happy beat music from my playlist. I decided to listen to some music from the 70's, Disco mostly, here are two songs I listened to I got directly from YouTube:

    Music can really change our mood if we allow it to. I decided to sing along, made some swagger movements (safely of course) and allowed my mind to take me back in time. The time was many a few years ago when I use to go clubs and dance the night away. Once I arrived at the park I had to think twice what I wanted to do more listen to some more tunes or get busy fishing again 😜









    First thing I noticed when I pulled up to the entrance gate was the gathering of some more geese. I really hit the water hard here. I did much re-locating by crossing bridges and going down different paths to try different fishing spots. I surely got some good exercise.

    I spent about an hour and half here and caught no fish not even a single bite. It didn't bother me because the sun was bright,a beautiful blue sky was present, and nice white fluffy clouds made up the rest of the sky. The surroundings such as trees both standing and those broken in the water really give off a healing nature feel. Rather than just focus on fishing I took in my surroundings which was a good breath of fresh air. Well I got skunked here (no fish catching) and that doesn't happen often here for me. Well time to head back closer to home and try a third place.


    Well what a blast here, third place ended up being a honey hole. The name of this place is Big Lake Park. The name is overly deceiving this is a tiny little pond. You can see all of it with a look from the parking lot. Once again some more geese here, sorry no pictures. A few of them were swimming here. The bite was pretty heavy so much attention to water. A train track runs near the park and one was on the track while I was there. A bit different feeling hearing a train whistle.





    First two casts I had bites. The first fish broke my line and stole my jig I was using. After tying another one I got another bite and was about to pull it out of the water and the fish decided to spit the hook. A few cast later I caught a fish but lost it. I was trying to take a selfie on the dock with it and it slipped out of my hand. It found it's own way back into the water. I took the rest of my selfies away from the water, haha. Trout are hook spitters and our good a slithering away from grips.

    After the sort of bad luck at the begining it didn't take long to get my bag limit of five. All the fish were just off the rocks on the shoreline. I caught one tiny trout that I was hoping would spit the hook but it didn't. I did hook another small one and I was successful as I tried not to catch it, hehe.

    Trout are not native here so if you take one out of the water it's good practice to keep it. Once we get into warmer weather in early summer these fish we die off because trout need high oxygen levels and often live in bodies of water that have current. This pond doesn't support either of these two things.


    Once I was done fishing I really didn't feel like cleaning fish. I decided to text my sushi connection to see if she wanted them. She runs and owns family sushi restaurant and we trade often (her food for my caught fish). I wasn't all that hungry so I will cash in on some free food at another time. She doesn't know it yet but I will be doing a food blog of her resteraunt when I visit it next time, hehe.

    That was my Saturday out doing what I like to do. It was really something I was both missing and needing for myself. Hopefully there will be a handful more days out like this in the near future.

    Thank you for stopping by and checking out my blog. Take care, stay safe and enjoy the rest of your day. Until next time!

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