Two Side Of A Coin.

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Chris and I grew up in the same neighbourhood; we were so close that people thought we were brothers. We attended the same school and were in the same class. I was his best friend, and so was he to me.

    One thing about both of us is that our characters were more like words and opposites. While I was the indoor, nonchalant, reserved, and introverted person, Chris was the outgoing type; he made lots of friends, and he was everyone's friend. I never disliked this part of him because he was the link to me meeting other people and becoming friends with them.

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    Although I love Chris like a brother, there is something he does that sets my teeth on edge. He has no restraint when he comes across beautiful ladies; he always wants to start a conversation with them. I know this about him, and it’s one of his biggest flaws.

    One good afternoon, Chris and I were to meet at the mall to have a good time because we had been working all month. “Hello, Chris Where are you? I have gotten here five minutes ago, and you’re yet to show up.” That was me calling Chris on his mobile because he told me he was at the mall already and I couldn’t find him. “Relax, I’m outside; I’m just trying to get something done here; I’ll join you soon,” Chris said over the phone.

    The movie we were supposed to watch was going to start in 20 minutes, and I couldn’t find my friend. So I decided to step out to look for him since he said he was outside the mall. I stepped outside the mall, and there were a lot of people coming in and going out of the mall. I started walking towards the park while looking far and near to see if I would see Chris. My thoughts was, “If he gets into the mall and doesn’t find me, he will call me.”

    I walked some distance, and I saw a guy and a lady at a far distance talking and laughing. It was looking like Chris, but I thought, “Nah, that can’t be him. He wouldn’t do that while I’m waiting for him,” but after carefully looking at the figure of his head, I realised it was my friend Chris. I walked angrily to where he was and said, “Is this what you’re doing? I have been waiting for you for more than 10 minutes.”

    He was shocked to see me, but there was nothing he could do. He apologized, then introduced the lady to me: “This is Sandra. Sandra, meet my friend Fash.”

    “Nice to me, you. Can we go now?” I said that because the movie was about to start. As we were about to leave, Chris said, “Uhmmm, Sandra, would you like to watch the movie with us in the cinema?”

    I became angry immediately, but I did not show it; she said yes, and this set my teeth on edge. How can you go to the cinema with a stranger? Well, we all went together, and we had a good time. I did not talk to Chris until we got home. I gave him a good tongue-lashing, but even with that, he never changed. I still love him and will always love him.

    Thanks for reading

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