Three Tune Tuesday #179 | My long absence | A brief explanation and repairing it's consequences on Hive

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Three Tune Tuesday banner.png

    Canva was used for the design and the image is my own. You can see it here

    Greetings fellow musical Hivers 🤘

    Hello dear readers (note to self - I wonder if I still have them 😬) ! I've been postponing writing on Hive again for various reasons that will be explained through this post. But of course, me coming back couldn't be anything else than a #threetunetuesday post since I hold @ablaze and #ttt close in my heart.

    However, it's also part of the reason I've been delaying writing again. But, I will face things head to head no matter how, as accountability is an important value for me.

    Therefore, first things first...

    An apology to all Three Tune Tuesday participants

    I want to first apologize to all participants of #threetunetuesday and to @ablaze for failing my commitment in sponsoring Three Tune Tuesday winner's for so long. I've been away for more than one year but checked in once in a while to distribute the prizes to #ttt. Then, after another long period of not checking in, when I intended to come back I couldn't find my Hive passwords (note to self - story for another day 😅) . I've procrastinated on dealing with this issue for a few months until last week and with a lot of encouragement from my dear friend @samsmith1971 I decided to go look them up and found them, thankfully! (note to self - you never think it can happen to you until it does) .

    However, apologies are worth nothing unless they are accompanied of actions to repair things. Therefore, I've transferred HBI shares to all winners from week #125 until last week. Once again, apologies to all #ttt winner's for the big delay!

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    Three Tune Tuesday 🎸

    For those of you who don't know, Three Tune Tuesday was created by @ablaze and as he explains 👇

    The jist is as follows

    Every Tuesday I'm going to share 3 songs which I like to listen to and I invite your feedback in the comments below. Better still, why not have a blast of your own Three Tune Tuesday and mention me in the post and I'll come and find the post and upvote it. It'll be a sweet way for us all to discover new music. You'll also be in with a chance of winning a prize.

    Now, let's get to business as it has been quite some time since my last #ttt post and I must say, I'm very excited to be back sharing some tunes! For this week selection I have prepared some songs close to my heart and that reflect and resume very neatly my long absence on Hive and in writing.

    I cannot say it's been a particulary hard year but I can say it has been felt like a roller coaster. Big ups and downs in this thing we call life and I'm pretty sure it's all quite standard and normal. You see, dear reader, I'm the kind of person that feels very deeply and very intensely. As some might , and already have said in the past, I'm very sensitive. Usually it's said as a negative trait, like some kind of vulnerability that should be quickly eliminated...

    However, throughout this last year, I've come to realize that my sensitivity is actually my super power and greatest strength. I just have to learn how to be with it without becoming overwhelmed and hurt in the process.

    So you understand now, dear reader, my journey towards self discovery has been deeply intensified this year hence my long absence. I had to focus all my energies on that and at the end of the day I couldn't find the space to put in words what I was feeling.

    Now, I've gained some capacity to be with my sensitivity and in connection with myself which as improved so many areas in my life (note to self - also another post for another day! Oh boy, I foreseen a rampage of posts!) . I can honestly say that I feel the most confident, vulnerable, happy, angry and joyful self I've ever been in my 30 years of living (note to self - yeah, turning 30 this year was also a big event!) .

    But that's enough talking! Let's get to the tunes already, don't you agree, dear reader?

    My 3 song recommendation 😎

    1 - John Denver - Looking For Space

    For this first selection, I present a song from the 70's that was brought to my attention by @samsmith1971. A dear friend that Hive has brought me and with whom I kept touch throughout this year and speak regularly. This song sums up to perfection my feelings during this journey and it's totally worth to listen closely to his lyrics, has they are deep and meaningful.

    It was actually this song that sparkled my desire to come back to Hive and to start writing again, a #ttt post obviously! (note to self - then was that issue of not finding my Hive keys 🙈)

    Thank you Sam, for all your encouragement, friendship and love 🙌!

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    2 -Crawling - Linkin Park

    For my next selection, I have a darker note waiting. One of my absolute favorites from Linkin Park and I specially LOVE this slower live version of Crawling. This song is one I love to sing when I'm falling to despair and sadness.

    Sadly, Chester Bennington, the lead singer of Linkin Park, committed suicide back in 2017 and it was known to have struggles with addiction, depression, and childhood trauma. I deeply empathize with Chester's life story and it's someone I really relate to.

    I have had suicidal thoughts throughout my life, in my adolescence and in my adulthood during the worst phase of my depression. It's not something I share lightly. It's the hardest thing I've ever faced and during my depression I was conscious enough to know that suicide was something I didn't not want to do.

    But can you imagine, dear reader, not wanting something and having your mind suggesting it over and over again has an escape from the suffering you are experiencing? Driving your car normally and just having your mind screaming to you to turn the wheel over and crush it to a wall? It took every ounce of strength in me to fight this thoughts at the time and I wish no one experienced this level of suffering.

    If you struggle or have suicidal thoughts, please, reach out for help. You are not alone and you are valuable. You can find more information and help here.

    3 - Ingrid Michaelson - Pretty

    The last tune was not easy to choose... I wanted to finish this post in a positive and confident note (note to self - that last one was pretty heavy, huh?) in order to show the roller coster of emotions I've been experiencing. The first song it came to my mind was this one from Ingrid Michaelson, which I think was already shared by someone else on #ttt. I tried finding another one that fitted but got no luck, so I decided to go with my heart and share this vibrant voice and strong lyrics!

    I'm pretty
    I'm pretty much a mess
    But I'm pretty good

    Final considerations 🙌

    Ufff, I did it!! There I was thinking at the start of this post that I hadn't much to say but I guess in all the change there are some things that never do (note to self - by this I mean the long posts being my signature! Maybe I should change the title to "A not so brief explanation..." ?) .

    I hope most of all, dear reader, you enjoyed the tunes shared alongside the reflections and little funny notes. (note to self - @samsmith1971 do I still got it?? 😬 my insecure self is popping in to say Hi!)

    It's monday night right now in Portugal, and I'm so excited to be writing again that I don't think I can wait until Tuesday to post this 😂! But hey, is Tuesday somewhere in the world right? (note to self - right! That totally counts, just post it already woman!)

    See ya! 👋

    Disclaimer - I do not own the copyright to any of these songs and the main purpose of this post is educational. The goal is to share talents and tunes with Hive community and Music community, thus expanding our musical horizons.

    Please consider supporting the artists you like in any way you can.

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