Around The World: Challenge - #49/4 Bahia de Santa Fe, beautiful place of natural beaches. / Bahia de Santa Fe, hermoso paraje de playas naturales.

in voilk •  3 months ago


    On many vacations with my family in the state of Sucre to visit MOCHIMA, we always visited the BAY OF SANTA FE.

    In this beautiful place we found an apartment-type hotel at an affordable price, which at first was so safe that many people left things outside and even cell phones and they did not disappear.

    It had a varied marine life although sometimes you could find in the water the so-called bad water or small jellyfish that stung although their sting was annoying but not so intense, the pain lasted less than 1 minute.

    Its waters were not very deep and were quite calm. Next week I will present to you the wonders of another Mochima site. I look forward to your comments and suggestions.


    En muchas vacaciones con mi familia en el estado sucre para visitar MOCHIMA, siempre visitábamos la BAHIA DE SANTA FE.

    En este hermoso paraje encontrábamos un hotel tipo apartamento de un precio accesible, que al principio era tan seguro que muchas personas dejaban cosas afuera e incluso celulares y no desaparecían.

    Tenia una variada vida marina aunque aveces se podia encontrar en el agua las denominadas aguas malas o pequeñas medusas que picaban aunque su picadura era molesta pero no tan intensa, el dolor duraba menos de 1 minuto.

    Sus aguas no eran muy profundas y eran bastante calmadas, en la próxima semana les presentare las maravillas de otro sitio mochima, espero sus comentarios y sugerencias.

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