a gladiator who is back

in voilk •  3 months ago


    The picture is generated by @wakeupkitty host of pic1000

    ✅ what i see

    I see a huge castle in what looks like a desert.
    There are many birds flying in the sky around the castle.
    The warrior is heading toward the castle with a sword.

    ✅ what i feel

    He's heading towards the castle with a sword.
    Does he have a grudge against the Lord?
    I think he's on his way to avenge his enemies.

    ✅ story

    The lord of the town of Green Beret was a very vicious man.
    I made the territorial people pay a lot of taxes.

    It's a bad year because it doesn't rain this year.
    The land turned into a desert.

    However, the lord said that he had to pay the same tax as last year, even though it was a bad year.

    James saved money by working as a mercenary.
    James quit his mercenary job when he collected some money. He came down to his hometown of Green Beret, got married, had a son and a daughter, and is doing well.

    He worked on the farm, raised livestock, and lived a normal life.

    The former lord of the Green Beret village was kind and personable. He loved the citizens.

    However, after the death of the previous lord and his son became a lord, the lives of the territorial people became difficult.

    I had to pay a lot of taxes.

    James was also having a hard time, but he couldn't leave his hometown.

    This year has been a bad year.

    The soldiers of the lord took the tax out if they had to pay it like last year.

    Soldiers stormed into James' house.

    "Pay your taxes," said the soldier.
    "This is a bad year, so I don't have the money to pay taxes," James replied.
    "If you don't have money, pay taxes with goods," said the soldier in a coercive manner.

    Other soldiers tried to take James's chickens, pigs, horses, etc. instead of taxes.

    James' wife says, holding onto the horse.

    "Horse never."

    The soldier pushes James' wife away from the horse.

    James' wife falls and injures her head on a big stone that protrudes, causing blood to come out.

    Soldiers say in amazement, too.

    "Prepare your taxes, I'll come next time."

    The soldiers returned to the castle without any action.

    James' wife was bedridden for several days with a head injury. Unfortunately, however, she passed away.

    James can't stand it.

    James takes out the sword he used to do the mercenary job he always hid.

    James could no longer tolerate having an evil ruler.

    He was the best mercenary in the mercenary group.

    Not all the knights and soldiers of the castle will be able to stand in his way.

    As such, he was a strong warrior.

    Heading towards the castle. In the sky, hungry birds are flying in search of food.

    With a sword in James, he strides toward the castle.

    Today, he will meet the lord and teach him a true education.

    Thank you for reading my post. 😍

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