Look for openings

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hi friends, this time I have the opportunity to share some photos that I took this afternoon. This afternoon I wanted to go to Indomaret to buy sausages.

    at Indomaret the sausages are quite spicy level 15 after that I took the time to take photos of the people on the streets, it looked like there were a lot of very dense people on the streets

    Some of them are looking for openings and going for an afternoon walk looking for fresh air, even non-Muslims are also looking for food for their enjoyment, some are selling grilled chicken, grilled fish and many other menus.

    lots of cold water sellers, various cakes and various other foods, this kind of atmosphere feels very pleasant, exciting and very happy.

    May our deeds of worship be mastered and accepted by Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. May Allah grant us Taqwa and keep us away from all immorality.

    Now it's the 8th Ramadan, more or less 22 days until Ramadan will leave us, it's not certain that we will reach the next Ramadan, let's maximize the 22 more days of Ramadan.

    God willing, by filling our time with useful deeds and words because in this month all kinds of worship of Allah are multiplied many times more than worship in months other than Ramadhan

    This month has very, very many special features compared to other months. This month, the Koranul Karim was also revealed. In this month, Allah also sent down a very noble night, namely the night of Lailatul Qadar.

    Worshiping this night has extraordinary privileges that will be multiplied many times over if we can get that night, namely the night of Lailatul Qadr which Allah immortalized in Surah Al-Qadr.

    The month is so important, especially at night. Let's make every activity we do, what we do, eat, drink, sleep, everything becomes a value of worship in the sight of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

    Those who are fasting May Allah make it easy until the last day for those who have not been able to fast. May Allah grant ease of healing or fortitude in their hearts. That's my post this time. Don't forget to keep an eye on my next post. Thank you, see you again.

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