For a Time as This

in voilk •  3 months ago

    "This is the man who has evil plans against my kindred ". Astara said with boldness and an air of fire in her voice.
    The traitor was thrown off balance at Astara's pronouncement
    The Emperor's eyes burned with absolute wrath , he was going to explode in a matter of seconds,he stood up and walked away trying to bottle his rage
    He walked back into the room and couldn't believe his eyes,the traitor was tugging at Astara's clothes and it seemed like he would rip it off the next moment,in the full fury of his wrath he bellowed to his guards "Take him out of here, do unto him that which he planned to do to Astara's kindred ".......
    When the Emperor decreed a thing, there was no mercy.

    Astara was done cooking for the evening ,she didn't join the others to attend the party that was thrown at the Grand House,it was the final day and everyone in the land was invited to wine ,dine and dance with the Emperor at the Grand House ,her cousin had spelt it into her ears that she shouldn't go anywhere near the Grand House during the party and she obeyed. She tidied up the cooking place, took her bath and served the food when her cousin came back from his place of Duty.
    Her cousin said some prayers and they proceeded to eat.
    After the meal, her cousin told her all that had happened at the Grand House,he worked there as a gatekeeper .
    The Emperor's wife had been sent away and the Emperor needed a new wife ,it was going to be announced all through the land the next day but as a worker at the Grand House he had first hand information.
    "What do I do with this piece of information"Astara asked as she wondered what her cousin was going to say next
    "I will tell you tomorrow, go to bed," her cousin said. She obediently stood up and went to bed

     The blaring trumpets made her awake with a startle , She knew immediately that an announcement from the Grand House would be made. Everyone had started to move to the Grand House leaving all they were doing aside.

    Astara rushed out as well and joined others.
    "Hear ye,all inhabitants of Perosa, the days of merriment have come to an end today ,The Emperor is grateful to all who came to witness his greatness and celebration of the expansion of the Kingdom of Perosa.
    The Empress is no more as she displayed bad conduct in front of the guest and our great Emperor. The Emperor has decreed that all young women from the ages 18 to 35 who are interested in replacing the Empress should gather at the Grand House tomorrow by dusk as a chosing ceremony would be conducted in a week, you may disperse " The announcer said.
    Young women squealed in delight ,what an opportunity to become the Empress of such great kingdom.
    Astara ran home immediately after the announcement,it was none of her business anyway, she started to tidy up things in the house when her cousin came inside.
    " You'll be leaving for the Grand House, get your things in order, you'll leave by dusk " her cousin said
    " But I don't stand a chance, besides I don't come from Perosa, we're from a lowly background, what's there about me that will draw the attention of the Great Emperor" she asked concerned
    " You're different Astara, you have an unusual grace and of course outstanding Beauty , you stand a chance my dear" Her cousin replied.
    With an amount of Faith, she went inside to pack,her cousin had never misled her, since her parents died he had been the guiding figure in her life , nurturing and bringing her up to this point in her life.

    The next day her cousin dropped her at the Grand House,other girls had arrived, hundreds of them.
    The maids received them as they came, while an elderly woman was assigned to each girl.
    Astara looked around, the girls around had put on beautiful clothing, adorning themselves with beads ,all manner of make up,the air was filled with scents of vanilla, paraffin and lavender, obviously some of them had used expensive perfumes and body oils.
    The woman assigned to Astara came towards her, she smiled at Astara and gave her a welcoming vibe.
    "Listen to all that she tells you,may you find favour and grace " Her cousin admonished
    She nodded in Agreement
    He was about to leave when he turned back and whispered in her ears
    "Never let anyone know of your origin, not a soul" he said gently but firmly.
    Astara nodded and bid her Cousin farewell as she watched him leave till he was out of sight.
    She followed her guide as the lady showed her around and prepared her for the choosing ceremony.
    Astara was a woman of grace as she didn't sweat it to get chosen as the next Empress,her poise , simplicity and Unusual grace had drawn the king to her.
    She had access to whatever she needed but she was never to visit the Emperor except when called.

    Her stay in the Grand House was threatened as an enemy arose, he hated her cousin and her kindred as a whole and she was not exempted.
    Her kindred was going to be wiped out and she wasn't left out,her cousin had sent her a disturbing message and she needed to act fast since the decree of the Emperor was crucial and the matter on ground was pertaining to death and life .
    "Who knows if you were chosen for a time as this" her cousin had told her as he explained the calamity that would befall their kindred soon.
    Astara decided she wasn't going to let evil happen to her people.
    After fasting and praying,she faced her confrontation and went ahead to see the Emperor
    " If I perish,i perish" she said and with a strong resolve she went to the Emperor.
    The maids and gaurds trembled in terror as they watched her step into the Chamber,the dreaded place.
    The Emperor saw Astara as she walked in ,he looked at her and she reminded him of the Chosing Ceremony,her beauty and grace full the room and he held out his Royal Staff to her.
    Astara realizing she was accepted bowed and the Emperor asked her to make a request.
    Full of wisdom she requested for a banquet with his Prime minister,the traitor and thorn in the flesh of her Kindred.
    The Emperor obliged

    The guards dragged Hamari the traitor out of the Grand House, he was hung along side with his family and the Emperor set a new decree , Astara's people were saved from being wiped out.
    Her cousin's words rang through her ears as she muttered a prayer of thanksgiving
    "Who knows if you were chosen for a time as this"

    Source: The Book of Esther.
    It's my first post in this community.
    Thank you all for reading through 🙂.

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