Leading The Way Of A Leader: A Blog About Leadership

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Hello, hello again, everyone! another free day, another blog, it's me again, haruki.tls123 back with a new blog post!!. For those who have been following my previous blogs, you know that I currently hold the position of President in the Supreme Secondary Learners Government (SSLG), which is our school's student council. Despite not considering myself naturally good at leadership, I've just found my strength in a way of communication to others.

    So last quarter in our school, me and my group conducted an orientation or program as part of our personal development project, focusing on educating students about leadership. So there's a fling that goes into my mind, why not share this thought on this blog right?. Since this is our topic, we'll dive into the essence of leadership: What is it? Why is it important? What are the different types of leaders, and how can one become a leader?

    So, without further ado, let's jump right into the topic and let's start the discussion!

    What Is Leadership?


    So for me, leadership is the ability of an individual or a group of people to influence and guide followers or members of an organization, society or team. It is often as an attribute tied to a person's title, seniority or ranking in a hierarchy but remember guys, it's an attribute anyone can have or attain:> even those without leadership positions just like me before because it's a developable skill that can be improved over time^^!


    It is also the art of being at the forefront to guide and inspire others, rather than being above them to be looked up to. It's about creating a collaborative environment where everyone's voices are heard, and decisions are made collectively. A true leader doesn't just dictate orders but listens attentively to the needs and ideas of their team or community before taking action. They lead by example, not just giving orders in any angle. Leadership also isn't about asserting authority or dominating others; it's about empowering everyone to reach their full potential. It's about lifting each other up and ensuring that no one gets left behind 💪!

    Why Is Leadership Important??

    (One of the moments during the orientation, showcasing the important of leadership to achieve a goal)

    Leadership is crucial for several reasons, particularly in the context of business and organizational success. Firstly, effective leaders play a pivotal role in communicating and aligning the organization's mission, vision, and goals. They ensure that every team member understands and is committed to these objectives, fostering a sense of purpose and direction within the organization but always be reminded that it will always depends on the leader that handling a specific community.

    Furthermore, leadership is essential for uniting team members and promoting collaboration and teamwork. A strong leader can create a cohesive and motivated team, where individuals work together towards common goals, leveraging each other's strengths and expertise. This collaborative environment leads to increased productivity, innovation, and overall success for the organization or a team:> 🏆

    Different Kinds Of Leadership Styles:


    So for leadership styles, I will just include some of the styles that I've known but there are still more of them , depends on the community that you are in.

    • Affiliative Leadership

    — Affiliative leadership is a type of leading that focuses on resolving conflict and developing genuine connections with colleagues. So basically, it is a type of leadership that promotes positivity, a harmonious workplace and team-building. This leadership style focuses on using conflict resolution and creating personal connections between employees and their managers to build a sense of community and trust. So basically, you are like a Coach in this style.

    Best example of an affiliative leader is Dalai Lama.

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    • Authoritative Leadership

    — So for this one, this kind of leadership is a management style where the leader is in complete control. An authoritative leader is one who sets the goals, determines the processes and oversees all steps it takes to reach those goals with little or no input from team members. A leader of this particular style of leadership determines the processes and oversees all steps it takes to reach those goals with little or no input from team members. So particularly, you're like a boss in this kind of leadership HAHAHAHA

    One of the best examples of an authoritative leaders is Bill Gates.

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    • Autocratic Leadership

    — This is likely similar to the authoritative leadership however autocratic leadership are more likely focused on results and task completion, while authoritative leadership focuses on control and order. So if you put it in simple terms, this is a leadership style that characterized by individual control over all decisions and little input from group members. Autocratic leaders typically make choices based on their "ideas" and "judgments" and rarely accept advice from followers. So if you are in the boss mode in authoritative leadership, well in this one, you are actually the system HAHAHA.

    One of the few examples in it is Vladimir Putin.



    • Charismatic Leadership

    — Now this is the real deal HAHAHA, one of the most powerful leadership style for me. Charismatic leadership style uses verbal and nonverbal communication to charm, influence, and persuade others to help them fulfill their mandate or see things as they do. This type of leader makes those around them believe that they can achieve any goal or milestone, even in the face of adversity or at war. What makes this a big deal is that a single word from a charismatic leader, almost all of the people would follow it and will do anything that would fulfill that mandate. Of many examples of it, for me the best charismatic leader is none other than the Chancellor of Nazi Germany, Adolf Hitler 卍

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    • Democratic Leadership

    — The most common leadership style. Democratic leaders keep the lines of communication open and share information with their team. This type of leadership encourages each team member to participate in decision-making by sharing their opinions. By fostering feelings of involvement and inclusion, team members are made to feel more important. The best example of it is the election of presidents in a democracy country and also electing a leader in a specific community, just like SSLG or student councils election.


    So that's only some of the few leadership styles but there are more, still these five are the common ones.

    How To Become A Better Leader?


    Becoming a leader is a journey that requires dedication and effort. While the concept may seem straightforward, the path to becoming a better leader is filled with challenges and opportunities for growth. It's not just about holding a title or position; it's about continuously honing your skills, fostering meaningful connections, and inspiring others through your actions and decisions. Now, I'll give some tips to do to become a better leader, These insights are not just theoretical; they are practical strategies that I've found to be valuable as I am currently holding the title of the President in our school community.

    Become More Self-aware:
    — Take time to understand your strengths, weaknesses, and emotions, which helps you make better decisions and relate to others effectively

    Refine Communication Skills
    — Work on expressing ideas clearly, listening actively, and adapting your communication style to different situations and people.

    Connect with team members
    — Build strong relationships by showing genuine interest, providing support, and fostering a sense of unity and collaboration within your team.

    Encourage Growth
    — Motivate others to learn, improve, and take on new challenges by recognizing their efforts, offering constructive feedback, and providing opportunities for development. Always be their top supporters!

    Be Open To Change
    — Embrace new ideas, perspectives, and methods, and be willing to adapt and evolve to meet changing circumstances and goals. As always, you need to adopt on many things!

    Develop positive attitudes
    — Maintain optimism, resilience, and a can-do mindset, inspiring positivity and enthusiasm among your team members.

    Seek Out Growth Opportunities
    — Continuously learn, explore new experiences, and take on responsibilities that challenge and expand your leadership capabilities. Opportunities are infinity, but you must choose that particular one that will boost your skills and will guide you towards your preferences and goals!


    So as I wrap up this blog post, remember that each of us has the potential to be a leader, not just in official roles but also in our own lives. What matters most is how we serve others, ensuring that our leadership is guided by kindness and integrity, not by harmful or abusive methods. I hope that this blog has provided valuable insights and practical tips that you can apply to your own leadership journey. Remember, leadership is not just about titles or positions; it's about making a positive impact and inspiring those around us to grow and succeed.



    So that concludes my blog today. Stay safe, keep doing good things, and until next time,

    haruki.tls123 out! Sayonara<3 ❤️

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