Peanut Harvest: A Season of Abundance

in voilk •  4 months ago

    On the morning of Holy Saturday, my family and I were up early to harvest peanuts from our small farm. It was a beautiful day with the sun shining bright and a cool breeze blowing. My mother woke up before anyone else to prepare breakfast. She cooked a delicious meal of rice, scrambled eggs, and fried fish. The aroma of the food filled the house, and I could hardly wait to eat.




    Around 7 AM, my younger brother was asked to go to our niece's place to help harvesting peanut because we were going to harvest peanuts. I woke up immediately when I heard this because I wanted to help them with the harvest. After taking a refreshing shower, I had breakfast, and my mother went ahead to the farm to start pull out the peanuts.

    While eating, I waited for my niece to arrive so we could go to the farm together. We chatted about the day ahead, and I felt excited about the harvest.



    At approximately 8 AM, my two lovely nieces arrived at our home and we all went to the farm to help our mother with the peanut harvest. The walk was refreshing, and we could see the lush green fields in the distance. As we got closer, we could see my mother hard at work, pull out the peanuts. We joined her, and together we gathered the peanuts, filling up sack. The sun was already shining brightly by then, so we made sure to grab umbrellas to protect ourselves from the scorching heat. However, the umbrella we had was quite small, so my brother came up with a creative solution by finding a bamboo stick that could be inserted into the ground to support the umbrella.


    When we reached the farm, my mother and brother took charge of pull out the peanuts and preparing them for pick off, while my two nieces and I were responsible for picking off the peanuts. We worked together as a team, with each of us taking turns to pick the peanuts and help out in gathering them. Sometimes, one of my nieces would also lend a hand in the gathering process, ensuring that everything was done efficiently and effectively. Despite the heat and the hard work, it was a joyous and fulfilling experience to work alongside my family in the farm.



    The sweltering heat of the sun is taking a toll on the peanut crops, causing a significant reduction in their size. My parents who work tirelessly under the scorching sun to ensure that the peanuts grow well are heartbroken to see their efforts go in vain due to the unforgiving weather conditions.


    As for me, I had to hurriedly pick off the peanuts because the sun was blazing hot again. However, I was lucky to have my nieces by my side, who willingly lent their helping hands despite the intense heat. By around noon, we were able to finish the harvest, We walked back home, feeling proud of our little farm and the delicious peanuts we had just harvested. It was a memorable day, and I felt grateful for my family and the opportunity to work together. The experience made me realize the immense sacrifice that my parents make every day just to put food on the table.


    As farming is their only source of income, they endure both rain and heat to earn money for their daily needs. Watching my mother. in the scorching heat was a clear indication of how hardworking and dedicated she is towards her work. It also made me realize that they have been working for a long time, and it's time for them to retire from farming and enjoy their lives.


    However, due to life's hardships, they have to endure exhaustion and work even in their old age to survive. All they want is to have a comfortable life, but circumstances have made it impossible for them to achieve their dreams. I am determined to help them in every possible way, and I hope that someday they will be able to rest and enjoy their lives without any worries.



    My parents are hardworking farmers who have dedicated their lives to cultivating the land and providing for our family. Despite the small amount of income they receive, they are grateful for the grace they receive through their hard work. They wake up early every day to tend to their crops and livestock, and their diligence has paid off in the form of successful harvests and daily sustenance.

    As their child, I am incredibly proud of my parents. They have never relied on us, their children, to provide for them, instead always finding ways to make ends meet on their own. They understand that we are still studying and unable to assist them yet, and they want us to focus on our education and future.


    I am filled with a deep desire to repay my parents for their sacrifices and dedication. I know that they have given everything they have to provide for our family, and I want to do everything in my power to make their lives easier and more comfortable. I trust in the Almighty, the most powerful, that He will guide me in my future endeavors and help me to create a better life for my family.

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