Breaking The Chains Of DoomScrolling: Finding Balance And Productivity On Hive

in voilk •  3 months ago

    We all have that one bad habit that takes away our time, focus, and ability to make consistent progress in a time of seriousness where productivity Is required, it could be related to our jobs or studies, when the time comes to concentrate on these things, for some, it might be procrastinating by binge watching Netflix , playing too many video games, or maybe you are the party goer that leaves important duties to catch fun always. We all have been guilty at one point in our lives. In my case, the productivity-killing habit is something that I know most of us are guilty of, especially in this modern world.

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    Imagine that moment you have work to do, as for me, I probably have a dress that needs completing in about a day or two, all materials arranged on my cutting table awaiting my expertise, before you know it, it innocently started with a notification sound interrupting the beginning process, that moment I decide to just check what the notification on my device is about or reply to a friend's chat, the next thing you know, another tiktok reel pops in derailing my attention, there I go getting sucked into the endless feed of updates, reels, celebritu gossips, even video streaming on youtube,Instagram, facebook, etc, what I thought was going to take me few seconds, suddenly turned to hours, trust me, sometimes before I realize how far gone I am in the online world it's already evening, the dress project remains pending and the the enough time I could have used to relax, and properly make the dress gets shortened, leaving me to either stay all night long rushing to try and complete the dress, which would most likely make me super exhausted compared to if I hadn't allowed myself get carried away getting even when i try to be moderat sometimes, I still find myself doomscrolling and picking up my phone every few minutes to surf social media.

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    To justify this habit of mine, most times I tell myself that a little sneak peek into the social media or Internet world isn't any big deal to affect my productivity after all one who works needs to take a break in between, only for me to realize that these breaks often end up in a "no work day" now I know why most people say being an entrepreneur isn't an easy task, simply because it requires a lot of dedication and focus to experience growth, especially being a sole proprietor like myself.

    Not until I found Hive, did I find a better place compared to the web2 world, Hive became a better replacement to those apps that took my attention and lessened my productivity, Instead of spending time on those sites, I moved my focus to Hive, where I could also get carried away, but it's a better one because Hive is filled with so many benefits, even better, I became more conscious about giving the right amount of time to my fashion business because #needleworkmonday was always there to cheer me up and disappointing is never a go, my Hiving also gets the right amount of time needed for engagement and all other activities.

    So far, I've learned to create a balance between giving my time to the online world, Hiving particularly, and my offline fashion world. I also understand that making one suffer over the other would often lead to less or no growth at all, and depression due to not performing up to one's capabilities, those unfinished creative projects started to really weigh on my conscience. it was high time I took charge, being intentional, that Is how I found my way out of this doomscrolling habit, focusing on the right path, also setting daily goals has a way of putting us on our toes to give in our best and also expect a better return.

    Most importantly, I feel back in the driver's seat of my own life, attention, time, and creative energy. No longer that feeling of anxiety and double stress.

    Thank you for reading.❤❤

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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