LADIES OF HIVE CONTEST #174: Sunset Definitely My Favorite πŸŒ†

in voilk β€’Β  5 months ago


    Greetings beauties of Ladies of Hive . What an awesome topic for this week. Nature is full of beauty especially that of the sun 🌞.

    And the question: Some of the most beautiful times of the day are sunrise πŸŒ„ and sunset πŸŒ…. We want to know which is your favorite 😍?

    This awesome nature called the sun β˜€οΈ makes life so beautiful. The glorious thing about this nature is that it begins the day and ends the day, signifying how important it is to the atmosphere and to human. The sun is a beauty on its own, adding and making life so easy.

    I will never miss my morning cup of tea 🍡 which always align with the rising of the sun ⛅️ every morning, and usually must be before the sun starts heating up the ceiling. To enjoy my tea, I will make sure to take it immediately the sunrises πŸŒ… to avoid perspiration from the hot tea. And this is why the sunset πŸŒ† is my favorite.


    Sunrise which cones with the break of another day in its unique nature is so captivating, especially as it beams through every window curtains. This is what I like most about the sunrise. However, sunrise symbolizes also how we humans must set our lives in motion , everyone to himself, with activities and agendas, be it indoors or outside the house, on the streets, in the offices and at the market places. We could virtually say that the sunrise kick starts the day.controls the day. Another day to activities which I will always appreciate because we need to work to keep up life.

    But my favorite being the sunset πŸŒ† because of how wonderfully peaceful it usually appears over the distanced sky once the day is getting to be over. Sunset gives me this beautiful feelings of how another day has been achieved with life, health, anticipation and most of all, the colorful rays the sunsetting brings. Sunset also makes me feel so good and relaxed, taking my evening walk as I watch it set finally, thinking of how restful the night will be with some sweet dreams 😴.


    Although heaviness may endure for a the night, joy cometh in the morning the Bible said. But we also go out in the morning with the sunrising, thriving with hope and coming back in the evening with the sunsetting to eat the bread 🍞 of life the Bible also assures us. Its always beautiful having a productive day and watching the sun β˜€οΈ go down .

    Thank you lovelies ❀️ for reading to the end.

    All photos and images are my original content.


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