From Beginner to Beast: My Inspiring Bodybuilding Journey

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Hey hive, Today, I'm going to share my bodybuilding journey. Before sharing the results, I want to clarify that I wasn't a professional bodybuilder; I was just a newbie. Although I did gain some muscles, but I've moved on from bodybuilding...

    The first month of bodybuilding:

    "The reason behind starting bodybuilding was to gain some muscles because I was insecure about my body, and people used to make fun of me, calling me 'toothpick,' etc. I was very depressed. Finally, I joined the gym. In the first month, I was training incorrectly. On the 6th or 8th day, I started feeling a bit discouraged because I wasn't seeing any results. Then, I approached a trainer, and he told me that you won't see results in 10 days; it takes 1 year. So, whenever I went to the gym, my friends used to make fun of me, saying that I would be skinny for the rest of my life. That's when I decided to gain some weight. This is exactly what I looked like in the first month. I took this pictures after one month of hard training."

    As you can see, I didn't gain anything in the first month. I was getting depressed because of the muscle soreness.

    My diet in the First Month
    I was not taking enough protein, not recovering well, and not getting enough sleep either. I asked my trainer why I wasn't seeing any results. He asked me, 'Are you taking your diet seriously?' I said, 'No.' He explained that diet is very important, and I needed to improve myself. So, I added eggs to my diet. I started eating one egg daily for breakfast, but I still wasn't getting enough protein. That's when I decided to change my diet and added three eggs daily with banana shake 2 times a day. Finally, I started to see some results."

    The second month of bodybuilding:

    In the second month, I started getting some results, but my trainer said that I had to work out properly to see faster results. So, I decided to work out properly with the help of my trainer. This is what I looked like in the second month:

    ![image.png] (

    I start getting some results, al though I was still not satisfied.

    The 7th month of bodybuilding:

    Let's jump into the 7th month. During that month, my diet was very good. I ate 4 eggs for breakfast, and I also started drinking banana shakes with dry fruits. I increased my food intake and began eating 6 times a day, just to become a hulk, hahaha! This is what I looked like after increasing my diet:

    You can see that my triceps were full of muscles.

    Lessons Learned:

    The lesson I learned is that if you want to achieve something, you have to be dedicated to that thing. Additionally, the biggest mistake in bodybuilding is not getting enough sleep and not consuming enough protein.


    "Now I've quit bodybuilding and am focusing on other things. I will start bodybuilding again after 3 months, Thanks for reading my blog. ✌

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