The Unbearable Weather

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Last week, I made the mistake of leaving my umbrella at home when I went to school, and it ended up causing me a lot of trouble. The sun was scorching, starting as early as 10am in the morning and continuing relentlessly throughout the day. A friend of mine joked that it felt like someone had left the door of hell open, and we were getting a taste of what it was like.

    The heat was so intense that I found myself drinking water constantly just to keep up. I was shock I could finish a 150cl of water and still felt thirsty. I can't help but wonder if the heat this year is worse than it was last year. I didn't see this topic coming because I have been asking myself this question.

    If it was just sunny, an umbrella might had helped, but the heat that accompanies the scorching weather is unbearable. It unbearable for everyone if I'm asked to speak the mind of all. I remember seeing a post a few days ago addressing the issue and how we are often the cause of our own discomfort and how hot the weather we get in few months before the rain finally begins.

    I was expecting the weather to be warm and dry during this period, as February to March usually mark the end of the harmattan season and the beginning of the rainy season. But it seems like this year is different and the climate chose to be hotter than usual.


    When we complain about the heat, it's important to remember that we are partly responsible for it. There are so many reasons bringing about this high temperature and the few include: Urbanization and deforestation. These contribute to the high heat, when we cut down the natural resources which would have serve as shade and also help absorb the heat, the effect of this is high temperature. Also, when we have too many houses in the city, the walls and the lands are occupied preventing absorption of excessive heat. I know of a location where one can't get some sleep at night without getting the walls of the room wet with water because of the hotness of the room.

    To cope with the current weather, staying hydrated is crucial. Carrying water with you everywhere and using an umbrella for shade during the hottest parts of the day can help. And taking frequent showers can also provide some relief.

    Unfortunately, even when we have power supply, the power company seems to enjoy cutting off electricity at the worst times. The inconvenience caused by the hot weather at night is terrible. I can only hope that the weather transits to the rainy season soon because the night heat is making it hard to sleep comfortably.

    While we may not be able to control the weather, there are steps we can take to make it more bearable. It's important to stay hydrated, seek shade, and try to adapt to the changing climate in the best by doing the needful to make the planet a comfortable place.

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