The Last Knit

in voilk •  4 months ago

    In today review maybe one of the oldest but still valide animation from youtube.
    Therefor, go see it now.

    What do we seen

    a woman on a chair next to cliff knitting. Knitting a little more and a little more. We start to see the kinited fall of the clif and bring the woman with it. She does everything she can to not fall but in the end falls, and then somehow come back up without anything to knit so she start using the scissors.

    What does this mean ?
    She is addicted to knitting she can't stop even when she started to notice it was dragging her off the cliff. She knew the cliff was dangerous but instead of stoping to knite she started dargging the opposite way of the cliff.

    Only once she fell off the clif she finnaly is able to stop knitting and then go up again, and start the cylce again....

    Conclusions something that make you happy now might not be prefect for ever.

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