It was the year 2100. The city of Kromea was at the peak of its civilization. It was the heart of the planet earth. Most humans were now super abled, thanks to technological advancement. There were those who could emit various forms of energy without being boiled from the inside. Some could achieve quantum level computing with just a single thought. When it came to the various abilities individuals had, the possibilities were endless.
One morning, Justin woke up abruptly. He was having a nightmare. It was so bad that he was drenched in sweat with his hands shaking. The puzzling thing was that he couldn’t really remember much from the dream. All he could remember was looking at what was left of Kromea, which had been reduced to absolute rubbles. Justin stood up to take a glass of water, hoping that it would calm him down, even if it was a bit. Just as he drank, the sky suddenly turned dark.
He looked out the window out of curiosity to find out why the sky would turn that dark in the morning. He was shocked by what he saw. It was a spaceship in the sky. The ship was so big, it almost blocked the entire view of the sun. Next, there was an abrupt video transmission on the television.
“People of earth, I am Azadeus. I have come to claim this planet, like I have the others. Surrender to me, or be squashed” said a mysterious looking creature.
Next thing, Justin received a message demanding all military personnel to converge in the central headquarters. Justin was a part of the military. The military was made up mostly of highly gifted and advanced individuals. Specifically, individuals with powers that can obliterate any opponent. Justin was super abled, but his abilities were different from the others. His body had the ability to copy the powers of others and adapt to it, but it was something that was difficult to control. With such an ability, he was a danger to himself and to others.
As a result, he barely used his powers. However, he was highly skilled when it came to weapons. No matter the kind of weapon, Justin was the best at using it. No one came close to him. This was what gave him a spot at the military.
Within a matter of minutes, sonic waves emitted from the ship destroyed gigantic buildings in less than a minute. It was the beginning of untold chaos as people scampered for safety. More destruction followed as more waves were emitted from the ship. The damage was so much that earthquakes ensued in several regions. That was only the beginning.
As an emergency countermeasure, the military used every weapon at their disposal to fire at the ship, but it seemed to be protected by some kind of energy shield. Within minutes, thousands of strange looking creatures that seemed like minions of Azadeus descended from the ship. Their heads were attached upside down to their bodies. These monstrosities plagued Kromea as they went about causing mayhem and destruction.
On seeing this latest development, the Kromean leadership decided it was time to fight back, and with everything. General Carl, the head of the military, did a broadcast, ordering all soldiers, and civilians skilled in combat to fight back, and defend earth.
The battle was on. Every military personnel engaged those monstrosities with all they had. Justin led the line on his end. Azadeus’ minions were strong and fast, which made them difficult to destroy, but Justin and his colleagues were skilled enough. Justin fought alongside his best friend, Emily. She could emit energy from her body with such speed and precision that made her so formidable.
As the battle went on, thousands of minions kept on coming. The more minions the humans took out, the more the amount of minions increased. The casualty at this point was increasing exponentially.
“We need to get to that ship now and take it down. It’s the center of their operation” Justin said to Emily, who was engaged in battle by his side.
“We are very occupied here. We need to deal with the threat down here” Emily replied.
Just as she said that, the corpse of the dead minions started resurrecting, and suddenly, thousands of dead monsters were back to life.
“What the heck. We are in the soup” Emily gasped in fear.
Everyone was discouraged and shocked by what just happened.
“We need to get to that ship now. They must be getting life from Azadeus” Justin screamed out to the soldiers around him, including Emily.
Justin, Emily and a group of soldiers got into jets, and made their way to the giant spaceship that occupied the sky. There was an opening in the energy shield surrounding the ship, through which the minion descended. It was their way in.
A battle ensued on the ship between them and the minions. Justin however, tried to locate Azadeus. On getting to Azadeus’ chambers, Justin felt the sheer power of Azadeus. It was so much that it made him dizzy.
“How dare you infect my sanctuary with your filthy presence” Azadeus said, with a voice that caused trembling.
“You have caused so much destruction already. It is time you meet your end” Justin replied
“You do not know who you speak to, boy. I have the power of a trillion suns. I am the most powerful being in the cosmos. I am invincible” Azadeus said as he rendered Justin immobile and started to strangle him with his telekinetic hold.
Justin struggled as Azadeus tried to take him out, and in that moment, Justin decided to unleash his powers to the fullest.
In one split second, Justin’s body copied the powers of every creature on the planet, including Azadeus. Justin’s eyes and body glowed in colors not known to man. Suddenly, he had become a god-like being.
“This is impossible, Azadeus said in shock, as he blasted a beam of energy at Justin which did nothing.
“This is your end, and I am eternal” Justin said as he absorbed Azadeus’ essence, making Azadeus collapse to his demise.
Immediately, all of Azadeus’ minions collapsed to the ground.
Justin destroyed the ship, and made it his mandate to help humanity rebuild.