Esp/Eng Phone Photography Contest #26: harvesting sweet potatoes 🍠🍠🍠🍠 in the field!

in voilk •  15 days ago



    Feliz sábado para todos, con la bendición de Dios Todopoderoso, esta será mi entrada al concurso de esta semana número 26 de fonogafía o fotografía telefónica organizado por el amigo @untilwelearn.

    Se trata de unas hermosas fotografías tomadas en el campo, específicamente en un sembradío de batatas 🍠🍠


    Happy Saturday to all, with the blessing of Almighty God, this will be my entry to this week's 26th phonogaphy or phone photography contest organized by friend @untilwelearn.

    These are some beautiful photographs taken in the countryside, specifically in a sweet potato field 🍠🍠.


    Fuimos a visitar a un amigo que tiene un enorme sembradío, llamado conuco, dónde cosecha de todo un poco, me llamo la atención las batatas 🍠, nunca había visto una planta, el nos explicó que no era tiempo de cosecha pero, que se podía conseguir una que otra, y, comenzó a caminar sobre las plantas, yo le dije que si eso no las maltrataba, y me dijo que esa es la manera de buscarlas, porque al pisar se siente lo abultado 🫣 entonces encontramos una 🍠 bastante grande, me la lleve a casa y me la comí frita😋es deliciosa!

    Está ha sido mi entrada, espero haya sido de tu agrado!

    Dios te bendiga 🙏

    We went to visit a friend who has a huge plantation, called conuco, where he harvests a little bit of everything, I called my attention the sweet potatoes 🍠, I had never seen a plant, he explained to us that it was not harvest time but, that you could get one or another, and, he started walking over the plants, I told him that if that didn't mistreat them, and he told me that's the way to look for them, because when you step on them you feel the bulky 🍠 then we found one 🍠 quite big, I took it home and ate it fried😋it's delicious!

    This has been my entry, hope it was to your liking!

    God bless you 🙏





    Translated with
          Todas las imágenes son de mi autoría, capturadas con mi teléfono ZTE.                                                       
       All images are my own, captured with my ZTE phone.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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