Passengers (2016) : Adam & Eve In Spaceship ~ Review

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hello, every one, let's have another review for this science fiction and romance movie that directed Morten Tyldum and written by Jon Spaihts. This movie is about a spaceship going to another planet to make a colony there for good but one passenger woke up too soon from its hibernation pod.



    A sleeper ship called Avalon has launched its program to make a colony to another planet and it takes 120 years get there and they are transporting over 5000 people including the passengers and crews. After 30 years of traveling, an asteroid make a collision to the Avalon spaceship and damaged some of its systems including the hibernation pod of Jim Preston.

    Jim didn't knew what happened until he realized that he is the only one woke up too soon. He make friends with a robot bartender named Arthur. He searched everything to fixed up his hibernation pod but he couldn't.

    Jim went to a luxurious room and broke in so that he can sleep well and then he played some sports in the room. He had fun until a year passed but he can't bear the fact that he is the only one that woke up too soon.

    Then, he saw this beautiful girl named Aurora sleeping in the hibernation pod while searching for something to fix his pod and he has an urge to damage Aurora's pod so that Jim had a partner.

    Sometimes, he will regret that waking someone might regret him and Aurora might become furious and angry at the same time if she know.

    After a couple of months, Jim decided to open Aurora's pod because he fell in love with Aurora. At first, they didn't talked until one day they talked and Jim make move to Aurora which makes Aurora eventually in loved with Jim. They had their one of their happiest time because they have each other.


    Aurora eventually learned that Jim purposely destroy her hibernation pod which makes her mad at Jim but the spaceship also has lots of malfunction and makes it almost destroyed by it. In the end, they fixed it and Aurora and Jim take their time on the spaceship and live out their life on the spaceship.


    What I like about the movie is similar to Adam and Eve story but in a modern world and there are no snakes but there is a malfunction problems in their spaceship. There are temptations that man cannot hold into but eventually they were happy together.

    One scene that pops into my head is that Jim is trying to fixed the fusion reactor from it's hole because the door won't open to get out the fire that fires the fusion reactor and Aurora said that she don't want to lose Jim because she was in love with Jim. It makes me smile after I heard what Aurora said.

    There are lots of interesting things that I like the movie. One is that the technology is highly advance and it makes me think if it's possible to implement those robot things in our world now. There are automated vacuum cleaner where it knows where are the dirts and robots that can talked casually just like Arthur. It's makes me wonder if it's easy to invent that kind of machine or it's impossible.

    Overall, the movie was great and I would rate this movie 9/10. If you happen to watch this movie, let me know if you also like it or not. As a science fiction enthusiast, I would love to recommend this to you.






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