Dipping the Ocean Dry

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Happy Festivus/ Merry Christmas


    My Christmas cactus is in full bloom!


    Well it has been a bit since I've found my way back over to Hive. However when I return, I am always pleased to see that my friends on Hive are hiving right along.


    Many of the logs are 16 to 18 inches in length. They are also extremely heavy!


    As my title reads, I have been trying to dip the proverbial ocean dry; which to my mind means attempting to do the near impossible. As has been my custom now for several months, most mornings find me making the 30 minute drive to my lake lot where I spend much of the day cutting logs, then loading logs into my trailer and then unloading logs at the recycle place. About the only change has been on a few recent mornings I about froze my patootie off! Although I love the work, I must admit my progress is quite slow. I attribute this to having only two speeds slow and slower due to my advanced age! Yet with old age seems to come stubbornness so, much like the salmon that throws himself against the rocks trying to go upstream, I continue on in the drudgery of the slog.


    Merry Christmas, friends!


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    All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.

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