LIL: Leather cap, Hairbrush, Stethoscope, Basin, Payment terminal | Ledermütze, Haarbürste, Stethoskop, Waschbecken, Bezahl-Endstelle [EN | DE]

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Hello Hivian,

    Thank you for stopping by! :-)

    For this #LIL post, I turned on my flashlight once again and went deep into my vaults full of homemade 3D models. After hours of wandering through cobweb-lined corridors of shelves, I came back to daylight completely covered in dust. Of course, I had made a few renderings of these models.

    I am always very happy when I see that my images in the #LIL have been used. No matter if it was used in a piece of art or even in the cover image of a Hive post (or something else).


    Hallo Hivianer,

    Schön, dass du reinschaust! :-)

    Auch für diesen #LIL-Beiträg, habe ich wieder die Taschenlampe angemacht und tief in meinen Gewölben voller selbstgemachter 3D-Modelle gesucht. Nach Stundenlanger Wanderung durch, von Spinnenweben gesäumten Regal-Gängen, kam ich völlig verstaubt zurück ans Tageslicht. Natürlich hatte ich ein paar Renderings dieser Modelle angefertigt.

    Ich freue mich immer sehr, wenn von meinen Bildern in der #LIL Gebrauch gemacht wird. Ganz egal, ob sie in einem Kunstwerk verwendet werden, oder gar im Titelbild eines Hive-Posts (oder etwas anderem).



    What is LIL?

    LIL is the abbreviation for "Let's make a collage Image Library". It is an initiative of the LMAC(Let's make a collage) community to build a library of images that can be used as a material source for collages but also for other aspects.

    The images in it are contributed by Hive users and automatically indexed by a bot. All images indexed so far can be found on They are linked there.


    Was ist LIL?

    LIL ist die Abkürzung für "Let's make a collage Image Library". Es eine Initiative der LMAC(Let's make a collage)-Community, um eine Bilder-Bibliothek aufzubauen, die als Material-Quelle für Collagen aber auch für andere Dinge verwendet werden kann.

    Die Bilder darin werden von Hive-Benutzern beigetragen und automatisiert von einem Bot indiziert. Alle bisher indizierten Bilder sind auf zu finden. Sie sind dort verlinkt.


    What I like to contribute

    The images provided here by me, are all made by myself in Gimp and Blender. And I have not used any non-free materials or technologies for them.
    Herewith I make them freely available via the #LIL and hope that someday someone can use them for making an artwork from it or anything else.

    If you need any of the images rendered from a different angle or with a different light setting, just let me know in the comments.


    Was ich gerne beitragen möchte

    Die hier von mir zur Verfügung gestellten Bilder, sind allesamt von mir selbst in Gimp und Blender gemacht. Ich habe dafür keinerlei unfreie Materialien oder Technologien verwendet.
    Hiermit stelle ich sie über die #LIL zur freien Verfügung und hoffe, dass sie irgendwann jemand für ein Kunstwerk oder irgend etwas anderes verwenden kann.

    Falls du irgendeines der Bilder aus einem anderen Winkel oder mit einer anderen Licht-Einstellung gerendert benötigen solltest, lass es mich einfach mittels Kommentar wissen.


    Workbench impressions

    In order to prove to you that I am the author of the images offered here and to give you information on how they were made, I have prepared a brief slide show of the 3D models on which they are based in their development environment.


    Werkbank Impressionen

    Um dir zu beweisen, dass ich der Urheber der hier angebotenen Bilder bin und zur Information, wie sie gemacht wurden, habe ich eine kleine Dia-Schau von den zugrunde liegenden 3D-Modellen in ihrer Entwicklungsumgebung erstellt.


    The images | Die Bilder

    Leather cap #1 lether, cap, hat, head, cover, cloth, brown, black, cutout, transparent
    Leather cap #2 lether, cap, hat, head, cover, cloth, brown, black, cutout, transparent
    Leather cap #3 lether, cap, hat, head, cover, cloth, brown, black, cutout, transparent
    Leather cap #4 lether, cap, hat, head, cover, cloth, brown, black, cutout, transparent
    Leather cap #5 lether, cap, hat, head, cover, cloth, brown, black, cutout, transparent
    Leather cap #6 lether, cap, hat, head, cover, cloth, brown, black, cutout, transparent
    Leather cap #7 lether, cap, hat, head, cover, cloth, brown, black, cutout, transparent
    Leather cap #8 lether, cap, hat, head, cover, cloth, brown, black, cutout, transparent
    Hairbrush #1 hair, brush, head, tool, hairbrush, black, brass, gold, cutout, transparent
    Hairbrush #2 hair, brush, head, tool, hairbrush, black, brass, gold, cutout, transparent
    Hairbrush #3 hair, brush, head, tool, hairbrush, black, brass, gold, cutout, transparent
    Hairbrush #4 hair, brush, head, tool, hairbrush, black, brass, gold, cutout, transparent
    Hairbrush #5 hair, brush, head, tool, hairbrush, black, brass, gold, cutout, transparent
    Hairbrush #6 hair, brush, head, tool, hairbrush, black, brass, gold, cutout, transparent
    Hairbrush #7 hair, brush, head, tool, hairbrush, black, brass, gold, cutout, transparent
    Stethoscope #1 stethoscope, doctor, medicine, pulse, rate, listening, tool, medical,instrument, black, metal, cutout, transparent
    Stethoscope #2 stethoscope, doctor, medicine, pulse, rate, listening, tool, medical,instrument, black, metal, cutout, transparent
    Stethoscope #3 stethoscope, doctor, medicine, pulse, rate, listening, tool, medical,instrument, black, metal, cutout, transparent
    Stethoscope #4 stethoscope, doctor, medicine, pulse, rate, listening, tool, medical,instrument, black, metal, cutout, transparent
    Stethoscope #5 stethoscope, doctor, medicine, pulse, rate, listening, tool, medical,instrument, black, metal, cutout, transparent
    Basin #1 basin, washbasin, water, bathroom, tiles, blue, ceramic, white, metal, cutout, transparent
    Basin #2 basin, washbasin, water, bathroom, tiles, blue, ceramic, white, metal, cutout, transparent
    Basin #3 basin, washbasin, water, bathroom, tiles, blue, ceramic, white, metal, cutout, transparent
    Basin #4 basin, washbasin, water, bathroom, tiles, blue, ceramic, white, metal, cutout, transparent
    Basin #5 basin, washbasin, water, bathroom, tiles, blue, ceramic, white, metal, cutout, transparent
    Basin #6 basin, washbasin, water, bathroom, tiles, blue, ceramic, white, metal, cutout, transparent
    Payment terminal #1 payment, terminal, transaction, crypto, currencies, money, computer, display, black, red, green, metal, cutout, transparent
    Payment terminal #2 payment, terminal, transaction, crypto, currencies, money, computer, display, black, red, green, metal, cutout, transparent
    Payment terminal #3 payment, terminal, transaction, crypto, currencies, money, computer, display, black, red, green, metal, cutout, transparent

    Best regards

    ╭━⋞ ☙ My NFT artworks ⋟━╮
    ╭━⋞ ֎ My LMAC collages and LIL posts ⋟━━╮
    ╰━━━━━━━━━⋞ 👽 My Alien Art ⋟━━━━━━━━━╯

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