These are bad times for science.

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Hello hivians. I hope you are having a nice Tuesday. The sun is out and I can almost smell spring approaching. The fruit trees are starting to bloom and it seems that the insects know it.

    Today I wanted to talk to you about a topic that is sure to be somewhat controversial. And as the title says, these are not good times for science. But unlike other times in history, this time it is the scientists themselves who seem to voice it with their actions.
    We have seen in recent times how a totalitarian current seems to be turning science into religion and scientists into saints or prophets. It seems that nothing they say can now be doubted. His word is the truth and if not you are a denier.

    This will sound familiar to us because it is one of the words that became most fashionable in the pandemic. No one could question not only the scientific theses but also the methods to combat the pandemic. Anyone who did not follow the scientific theses to the letter fit into the category of deniers.
    But science is the opposite of questioning theories until they are shown to be empirically true. Otherwise humanity would think that the earth is flat. Galileo Galilei questioned it and his method proved it. Galileo would be the denier of the time and suffered the consequences of the powers of the time.

    The problem is that now it is not the powers that be, religious at that time, it is the scientists who do not allow dissidence and brand any scientist or person unrelated to their theses as being denialists.
    Nowadays there are deniers of everything. About climate change, vaccines, etc...

    What underlies all this is a society that does not admit criticism, a weak society that claims to fight to defend the weak but what it does is turn off all the voices that make it uncomfortable. And in the end only silence will remain. But as everyone knows, silence is where the screams are heard loudest.

    Created with: nightcafe

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