Golem Overlord Stats Update (January 8)

in voilk •  23 hours ago

    Golem Overlord Account Growth

    This is a weekly update of my player stats growth this year. The links at the top will take you to the stat pages of the Golem Overlord Wiki. If you are new to the game, these pages explain how each stat works.

    Stats Progress

    My primary stats (Power, Fort, Faith) increased by 20 since my last update. Because of the nerf to attack builds, I am focusing on upgrading fortification and GCS as mentioned on my earlier updates.

    Here is a screenshot of my stats with more details not shown in the table. I've dropped to rank 57 but plan on buying more parts to increase my rank in the coming months.


    DateXPPowerFortGCSFaithBonusPart Burn
    01/01/2580028 (P31)83549962778186%5.67M
    01/08/2557348 (P31)83551562782187%5.73M

    If you aren't playing Golem Overlord and want to try it, please sign up using my referral link. https://golemoverlord.com/?ref=unitmaster

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