Sex education for adolescents / WEEK 202

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Welcome to my blog


    Today we are back sharing one more week with themes that allow us to express ourselves or tell our experiences. Today I identified myself on the topic of sexuality in adolescents. Really the central question is:

    ¿At what age do you think sex education for young people should begin and why?

    I was raised under values and principles, where we were told from an early age that women should get married without having any sexual relations and marry the love of their life. That is what was always heard in my home.


    I was a teenager and the truth is that I did not initiate myself sexually at this stage, I always thought that everything would come and that I should be ready to take that step with the person I decided would be my partner for the rest of my life. Well that's what I did, I got married and that's when I started my sexual activity. In my case I did not receive sexual education from my parents, they only told me what I said before.


    Nowadays it is a different reality, I am the mother of a teenager, and it is a topic that I talk a lot with my daughter, since I do not consider it appropriate to start sexuality at an early age. This is because I consider that there is a lot of immaturity and this has to be taken with responsibility; nowadays many young people see sexuality very freely and start at an early age.

    Everyone assumes what he or she wants to be in life, but as a mother I do talk to my daughter about sexuality in view of seeing many cases of young people initiating sexually as young as 13 years old.


    For me a sexual education or sexual activity should begin when they are prepared both biologically and psychologically to face with responsibility the fact that when taking this step you must assume that the role is adult and must assume their actions with the consequences that this brings with it.

    I bid you farewell and see you at a later date.
    Photographs are my property


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