Beautiful Sublime Easter Beans Sunday

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hello Hello to all you wonderful Hivians

    Today this post is for #SublimeSunday which is inspired by @c0ff33a and #BeautifulSunday initiated by @ace108.

    Beautiful Sublime Easter Beans Sunday.png

    Well that was a bit of fun, just playing around with Canva, all I wanted to know what was the best image size to be shown completely in thumbnails and I ended playing with shapes... Enough with going down a fluffing rabbit hole!!!


    So not only is today a beautiful and sublime Sunday, it is also Easter Sunday.

    So to everyone who celebrates Happy Easter...


    Over here it is the day of eggs, chocolate eggs by the dozen.

    When you are a chocoholic like me it means chocolate heaven!

    And this is probably my favourite ...


    Terry's Chocolate Orange egg .... except this is a MINT one, and oh so delicious it is, and so rare, I hardly ever see it...

    Corny and cute wee line on the back ....

    You Drive Me COCOA .... We're MINT To Be

    So open wide, and have a piece of this....


    Actually it seems to be a food day, this morning I used up things that needed eating up.

    And knocked up a tasty wee breakfast..


    Croissants with melted cheese ham and boiled eggs with a side of pretzels.

    Seriously tasty with a coffee and started the day off in the right way.

    I asked Mrs T yesterday what she wanted to eat for our Easter meal..

    I was thinking of roast lamb or something.


    So off I toddled to the grocery store?

    I only had my phone, which meant I could only take close up pictures etc, I was not in the mood to haul back groceries and carry my camera.

    First up was rather a petulant raven...


    Out came Eddie Wildlife who found out that he is Rake the Raven.


    It turns out that Rake the Raven is a devilishly handsome fellow who told me he had been named by @jhymi who knew!

    He also had a message for @jhymi

    Smile it's better than you think


    I tell you what, sun yes sun and blue skies arrived this weekend!

    It is still nippy but it is starting to feel like Spring and that Winter has fluffed off for another year!


    I don't know about you but I always associate Easter time with yellow daffodil and yellow primrose flowers.

    Of course there are plenty of others around but that is what I remember from my childhood!

    And so to the shop, Morrison's in fact ....

    And fluff me did I get a shock when I found what Mrs T wanted for her Easter food....


    Pinto beans! This is when I was thinking of @dswigle and her Market Friday community, I do hope everything is well with you Denise, but I did spy you this week in Discord updating Gina to Friday ... and then I spied you on your last post from August last year..

    I hope everything is good with you and come back to us soon 💙

    I digress... last year these were £1.05 then went to £1.30 now they are £1.89 that is almost double!

    Actually I get an Amazon subscribe and save deliver of Pinto Beans (funnily enough from Morrison's) that is much cheaper, but we have only one packet left and the next delivery is not until the middle of March.

    As I make up 750 g at a time, that meant running to the shop ...

    BEANS TIME ...


    Tuck in they are fluffing delicious!


    Thank you for visiting ...

    What about your Easter Sunday?
    Do/Did you celebrate it ...


    All images and ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo unless otherwise stated.


    Haste Ye Back!

    @tengolotodo March 31st 2024

    PS Silver Bloggers members ....

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