in voilk •  4 months ago

    Today is a very special day. Yes it really is because it's my son's graduation pictorial. Early in the morning I started to prepare the things that we need to bring. I was able to iron his school uniform and made his breakfast.




    I'm very happy and excited to see him wearing a graduation toga, of course I'm a first time mom and this is really new to me. The pictorial started at 11:00 am. We we're able to arrived on time and I was shock because all of his classmates are calling him like they missed him so much, then I remember that Jeus was absent for 1 week because of cough and cold so yes, they really missed him. I'm happy to see them too because they are all seems like to play with Jeus. While waiting in the line I was able to talk to other moms and I am very happy to know that we have the same feeling of excitement to see our kids wearing graduation toga. Just a few minutes, the teacher called Jeus because it's his turn now. At first, I thought I will be having a hard time asking Jeus to smile and look at the camera but I was surprise as he behaved. He was not forced to wear the toga and smile at the camera.







    My tears starting to come out looking at him smiling wearing a toga. I know it's really early since this is just a beginning but I'm already proud of him. I'm the one who's always with him so I saw his struggles and development on this school year. After his turn we need to wait for his other classmates to finish because they will also have a class picture. While waiting, he started to play again with his other classmate while his dad is waiting outside the gate of the school making sure no kids will be able to go out because it's really dangerous since it's along the high way. Just after a few moments, the teacher called everyone for the class picture. Everyone is inside now and waiting for the photographer's instruction. The photographer was able to took few shots then this happened.


    Jeus started to do Pogi/handsome pose. Yes that's a pogi pose here in the Philippines. I am not sure why he did that because before, he will only do it if we ask him to do a pogi pose. Just a few moments the pictorial has ended.


    Everyone went home. While on our way home I still can't believe this happened. My Jeus is now graduated from pre-kinder 1 at 3 yrs old. Time is really fast and I feel like Jeus is growing really fast and that really make me sad sometimes. I feel like time will come that Jeus will leave me and marry a woman he will love.

    There's really some times that you feel so emotional even you don't have to. It's just that time flies so fast. It's like, yesterday he's just a baby and now he's a graduate now from pre-kinder 1.

    So for all the parents out there. I know it's really hard but please do your best to have time with your family. Have a great day everyone!

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