Dreams and fantasies

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hands holding the steering wheels firmly, eyes focused on the road ahead without diversion but with a mind far gone in never land.
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    Alexa drove at the highest speed, with tears rolling down her cheeks profusely. Her mind couldn’t take it all so she vented her thoughts as she drove through the lonely highway with one or two cars driving by every two minutes.

    After witnessing the most humiliating scene of her entire life where she attended a dinner with her fiance who audaciously walked up to the stage to announce his marriage. She foolishly beamed with a smile, grinning from ear to ear as he stood gallantly on the podium with the mic in hand. As he announced his marriage, stretching his hand out in the crowd, she was about to get up when her friend, Mcella walked shamelessly to him on the stage and they shared a kiss.

    Alexa froze in her stance, feeling all eyes bore holes into her skin. She could feel her blood boil angrily under her skin and her throat getting dry as she swallowed hard profusely. She could feel the shame and betrayal settle on her like dew settles on a leaf. She could feel everything she worked for.

    Everything she had ever wished for crumbled before her eyes without a sign of remorse in their eyes. To think that he announced the wedding date as the same date they had both picked made her skin crawl. She had a bundle of bad and sad emotions creeping within her but at that moment, not a single tear drop rolled down her cheeks. She wasn’t going to give Darrell and Mcella that satisfaction. She wasn’t the loser, they were.

    Alexa finally moved her legs to walk out of the hall with only one question which was why? What went wrong? They were fine. Everything was going great between them. They had no misunderstanding. They had dreams together. In fact, they shared the same dreams of owning a house with two or maybe three beautiful kids while he worked to take care of them all as a family and as a family man while she stayed home as a mother to their kids and wife to him alone.

    That was her little dream. Her Fantasy World. Nothing more, nothing less but it had all crumpled, all down the drain now.

    “When was all this going on between the two? I had not a single clue. She seemed natural around him except I was the only one seeing it as natural. The soft smile and the gentle tucking of hair behind her hair should have told me something!” Alexa said to herself curiously as she walked out of the hall.

    As she got out, she realized she had driven down to dinner with him but the best part of it all was that the car key was in her purse. She smiled with a sigh of relief.

    Alexa sped beyond the limit, she was out of control. She had no control over herself as she let out all she had bottled in, crying profusely.

    As she was about to take a very sharp corner on the highway, she lost track of herself. The honking from a truck was not enough to bring her out of her thoughts until the truck’s headlight shone brightly in her eyes but it was too late to step on the brake as she collided with the truck.

    Her car somersaulted three times and flew into the nearest woods, crashing against a tree.

    The glass of the car window shattered on her with only the seat belt holding her back. Blood dripped from her head to her face as her breath was gradually ceasing.

    “He…help,” she called out in a faint tone and as though someone heard her, she faintly heard the crushing of dried leaves like someone was running to her and before she knew it, someone was actually standing before her.

    “Hey, miss. I’m Charles and I’m going to get you out,” Charles said and that was the last thing Alexa heard before her eyes closed up and submitted to the realm of unconsciousness.

    Charles sat by her bed day and night like she was one of her siblings and when she opened her eyes after three months of unconsciousness, Charles couldn’t explain his feelings in words.

    “I…I can’t feel my legs. I cannot feel my legs,” Alexa panicked. “Who are you? Who the hell are you?!” she yelled furiously.

    “Hold on, miss. Please, calm down!”

    “Where am I? What happened? Why can’t I feel my legs? What’s this on my head? Oh, who the hell are you??!” she rushed the questions, getting livid now.

    Charles hurried to get the doctor and soon she was sedated.

    When she woke up after two hours of being out, she looked around the hospital room much more calmly now, taking in the whole place.

    “Are you okay?” Charles asked as soon as he saw that she was awake.

    “What happened? Why does my head hurt?” she asked.

    “I’m going to answer every question but you need to rest a little more,”

    “Who are you?” she asked with a furrowed and confused eyebrow.

    “I guess I might just need to answer your questions. My name is Charles and you were in a ghastly car accident three months ago. You crashed into a truck and I happened to witness the accident because I was driving down that highway that night. So, you can say I saved you.”

    That became the beginning of their love story and family life. Alexa thought her simple dream had collapsed and gone with her legs as she now uses a wheelchair but she relives her life and accomplishes her dreams except that it wasn’t with Darrell but with Charles.

    This is my submission to the Inleo prompt suggestion for the month of April. The topic is "Dreams, sleep health, fantasy worlds". You can join here. This is the calendar


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