I Have Superpowers.

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Again, I have super powers!

    Something really interesting happened this morning which led me to believe I indeed have super power. Perhaps the influence of my superstar is having a noticeable effect on me, hehe.


    I had an 8am exam to write today and travelling down to the campus usually takes about forty minutes. So, I had the day all planned out the night before sleeping. The plan was to wake up really early in order to prepare and also leave the house an hour before the designated exam time. Waking up early wasn't quite hard as the night was unbearably hot and uncomfortable.

    Dawn appeared and my plans were falling in line till I heard my mom say that the metal door leading out of the house had jammed and could not be opened. She sounded really agitated because this was the very first time this had ever happened and she also had to leave early for an appointment. For some reason, I was still very calm because I remembered that we have a back door.

    I hurriedly had my bath and dressed up. It was time to leave and so I called my mom and together, we tried taking the back door. The back door (which I hadn't visited in ages) was also very securely locked with a padlock and nobody knew the whereabouts of the key. Honestly, I didn't blame anyone because the rust on the padlock was enough proof that the padlock had been there for ages and that nobody would use a back door when there was a front door.

    At that moment, I started sweating. I checked my time and I had only 45 minutes to get to the campus. Automatically, I started panicking. The only thing that came to mind was to jump out the window but who jumps out of a two story building early in the morning and survives it. I know I wanted to get to school fast but not on a wheelchair.

    I kept trying to come up with an idea. Something I could use to get me out of the house. A ladder? There was none inside. Do I have a cape that would enable me to fly? What can I fluffing do? I was almost having a panic attack as missing the exam would mean a carry-over course and carrying over a course is just so much burden(sometimes, it could amount to an extra year in college) . It's amusing how I was at the verge of having a panic attack and one of the questions I answered during the exam today was first aid for a patient with a panic attack.


    I kept trying to keep calm as I was running out of time and then it dawned on me; I never really checked what was actually wrong with the front door and so I hurried over. I looked at the latch mechanism and indeed the locks were jammed. When I say the locks were jammed, what I mean is that the door was locked and would require a key to open and guess what? The key was in the car which was parked outside. Could my morning get any worse?

    I had two options at this point; start crying as I was locked in or try pulling the door till it opened. I didn't give the first option so much thought as I went ahead to try pulling the door and see where my luck leads me. Surprisingly, with the first pull, the door went wide open. Surprise suprisee!

    My brother who was at the other end of the door was astonished. Apparently, my mom had called him early that morning to come and try opening the door from the outside. According to him, he had been pushing the door with all his might but it didn't budge.

    Who would imagine that one powerless pull from my end would open the door? Maybe I have superpowers that are only activated when I'm in distress. I guess that's how super powers work, right?


    As the door went ajar, I immediately ran out to prevent the locks from changing its mind and jamming again. I had roughly thirty minutes to make a forty minute journey and surprisingly, I made it in time but was a little bit dazzled by the events. Nonetheless, the exam was satisfactory.

    It's fun to share this story now that I have calmed down and actually reflected on the morning occurrence but it was definitely not funny in the morning when everything was playing out.

    I do not wish for such an experience again but I would certainly keep you guys updated on my super powers if they choose to ever show up again.


    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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