BTC price

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Category: cryptocurrency

    Click here to watch the live stream!

    Hello again!

    Long time since I did anything on Hive. Anyway, here's the current price of Bitcoin for the time being. With some trend lines drawn.

    This stream may break and go wacky from time to time, because I don't know what I am doing.

    Also, everything is kind of broken on my end, so sounds and all interactions are off. Sorry about that.
    I'll try to figure out ways to fix things in the future. I'm also having some other issues that prevent me from being very active on Hive, so I apologize for that too. If and when I do get my shit together, I'll be posting stuff more often.

    Until then, see ya!

    Donating stream proceeds to @vimm for now.

    Watch me on Vimm.TV

    This post was generated from a live stream on VIMM
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