Reflections on Science and Technology: Balancing Progress and Concerns

in voilk •  2 months ago


    There are mind-blowing inventions in science and technology that have made life a lot better in our world today. I wonder how our forefathers managed with a lot of things back then without these technological inventions here and there, which we enjoy today. But then, I believe that somehow they still found a way to live well without it.However, I am glad to have been born in this technological era. Maybe I would have lost my life exactly nine years ago when I had severe complications with my health. Or maybe not. It's all good that when we look left and right, we see amazing science and technological inventions that help us find ease in our daily activities.

    Over the years, our standard of living has improved tremendously. It's interesting to see how almost everything we do in this life relates to science and tech, impacting our lives for the better.


    How we easily find answers to some of our problems is fascinating, all because of science. Imagine a woman bleeding in the theater, and after some injections, the bleeding stops. I wonder if herbs, 🌿 of which our forefathers mostly depended on those days could stop this type of bleeding, for example. Science has helped us cure complex disease, and prevent fatalities.

    There are lots of things to reflect on about how much science and technology have influenced human lives for good, which I may not exhaust explaining in a post;, however, we cannot overlook the fact that sometime, these people go too far with their inventions to the detriment of our lives, whereas there are areas they need to pay close attention to. So without further ado, I will discus areas where I feel that science and technology have gone too far and one other area where their impact hasn't been felt.

    The field of science and technology isn't perfect, despite mind-blowing innovations. Scientists are so curious, and in a bid to explore different areas and see the outcome, they cross boundaries. One of the areas where science has gone too far is the case of producing things capable of altering people's bodies, all in the name of evolution and indirectly challenging God. Why the transgender here and there? Why alter God's creature when He said that all things he created are good and perfect? This is obviously challenging God, and it's a concern to be concerned about this innovation.


    Nowadays, the movies we watch have gay characters, transgender people, and what have you. It's becoming normal, and many do not see anything wrong with this. How about breast enlargement, ass enlargement, and bum enlargement? All because of science, and to know that these services cost so much is even annoying. The thing is that the health implications will unfold in the future, which is terrible, so why not divert attention to development that would be more beneficial to humanity? If science hadn't made these services available, people wouldn't go for them.

    A very important area that scientists should pay more attention to is the area of mental-related disorders.


    It hurts me to see mad people moving around the streets without any hope of getting well. Some spend years in the hospital taking routine drugs every day to live and have their sanity. Each time they miss the drug, it becomes a problem. Is there not a way scientists can explore more about the human brain 🧠 and see what could be done to help the mentally affected patient? In a way that they will be totally treated and returned to the way they were before this illness? I know about the management of this illness, but I feel it's possible to have a total cure, not the kind of partial treatment I see today.

    My response to the #hivelearners contest on the topic titled, Science Too Far

    Images were generated by me on

    Thanks for reading through ♥️♥️♥️

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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