The Rimac Verne Robotaxi will be on European roads by 2026

in voilk •  11 days ago


    Rimac, a car brand nobody probably has heard of has a scoop today. They will be ready to release their Robotaxi on European roads by 2026.

    Rimac, you say? Yes, Rimac, a Croatian brand of cars, has already released the fastest accelerating car last year, called the Venera.

    Now, Rimac is the first to release the Robotaxi in Europe. The USA already knows the Waymo, built by Alphabet, but it isn’t a grand success yet over there.
    Rimac will work with “Motherships” from where the cars will start and end their day, it will also serve as a reperation and cleaning centre for the cars.

    Beautiful design

    The Rimac has a normal car design on the outside, but on the inside it looks incredible. It has no steering wheel and pedals. Just a lot of sitting space for the passengers and a big screen for multimedia purposes. It looks very luxurious, and will make a taxi trip very cosy.

    The Artificial Intelligence in the car is very advanced, the car overtakes when necessary and drives quite assertively. Accidents are 6 times less common than in cars with a human driver.

    It will be especially very interesting for people in bigger cities, that don’t have the space for a car to park and therefore don’t have the opportunity to own a car by themselves.

    Rimac from Croatia, who would have thought…



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