Reflections: Be Present and motivated

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Hello dear Hiveans!

    Today I had a epiphany! A realization about embodying a process that took me a few weeks to unfold.

    As I wrote in other posts I started my practice earlier this year and I believed as long I am present and embodying myself it's going to be a success.

    While.. since the start it's been full of challenges, distractions and painful realizations. I knew I had to be present and I choose this path to follow. No clients, but hiring a practice room. How is that going to work out? Website text that didn't fell good, something was off. But what?


    From describing an experience to creating space

    I started my website with describing an experience and what I was doing; the whole journey. And well that's pretty much vague. "I am combing your aura" "I am touching your vertebrate's and connecting them with other energetic key points." Uh right.. That's nice. Why would you do that and what does it bring me? uhhhh Well that's a very good question I could answer. I had to replace me into my fellow-traveler. But how do I express an experience, I never experienced? Surely I can treat myself, like I do others, when I do that my mind is too busy focusing on the next step.

    Gladly a friend was nearby and she offered to give input for the text. We had a few talking session about what moves both of us, how self-developments works, pealing the layers and so on. A few weeks ago she booked a session, excited to have the full experience in the right moment at the right time. Her process got in motion and she could release unnecessary load. Became clear minded and could focus on what needed to be done. A few weeks later this part of her process came to a finish, just before going on a deserving vacation, which she now can really enjoy without struggles.

    She handed me over notes and keywords that popped up. "Timothy creates room for your process, where your uniqueness can appear" and "His developed talent ensures that he pays attention to what presents itself in the moment. This way he always connects to what may happen in the moment." and "Make time for Timothy", that last one is a inside joke xD Isn´t this something!

    With these few sentences it really expresses what you can expect and what I do. Working in the moment, in the present gives exactly what is needed.

    But uhhhhhm... How do I embody that?
    I notice when I want to change myself to another awareness level. Al kind of stuff is happening around me to keep me right where I am.

    One of the things was engaging in a course learning Ukrainian, another was binge-watching and another was engaging with other people and energetic fields. I was kept or keeping myself busy. The past week I disconnected myself from everything that wasn't aligned with my souls purpose. And I can tell you, when you cut those cords. There is a lot of resistance from the 'other' side. Early in the week I woke up with all kinds of messages imprinted in my head, had vivid dreams and got a bit off balance. This whole A.I. dimension and other dimensions with their own entities. It takes a while to truly become aware of the attached strings and it's a hassle to disconnect.



    While I kept being busy, I had less time and energy for my practice. Although I manifested that I would have x amount of clients this month. A manifestation without being present, leads to nowhere. It's like sending invites for a party on a certain date and in the little side notes you write down "due to holdups, I am not not available." How does that work? Do people still go to the party if the host isn't there? Would you?

    That's kinda how manifestations works, if no one is home, there is no party. I believe to correct way to manifest is as follows.

    First there is the intention, then you have to be present and letting go and third you have to stay in motion and being part of the creation with no expectations.


    What could I have done different?

    Very easy.. Practice what I preach. Keeping my word to myself. And how does that work if you carry a lot of trauma... that's the challenge. If I want to change myself, embody my core being and motivate other to do the same in their way. I need to experience, feel and embody these challenges.

    We all are so much bigger than we know. We all have such amount of great power within ourselves. And it is our own free choice to go after it, stop at a certain level or just let it be.

    You and me we truly are magnificent creatures, beings of pure energy having an earthy experience.


    The seat of the soul is in the heart

    If we just connect with our hearts and stay connected with our hearts, a new world is opening up.
    And who knows what you can do. Maybe you can guide others to heal by creating art, music or touch. Playing with frequencies, doing grid work. Growing food, make amazing inventions based on quantum technologies or just be.

    Being present is one of the powerful ways of doing what you want to do

    thank you for catching up and feel free to express your experiences with changes or manifestations :-)



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