The principle of the asymmetry of stupidity

in voilk •  3 months ago



    The principle of the asymmetry of stupidity is a philosophical concept that suggests that stupidity requires much less effort than intelligence.

    It was proposed by the Italian economist Carlo M. Cipolla, who argued that stupid people cause more harm than intelligent people because of their lack of ability to understand the consequences of their actions.

    According to this principle, stupidity is more powerful than intelligence because it is easier to destroy than to build.

    One stupid person can ruin the work of many intelligent people with a single act of negligence or ignorance.

    On the other hand, it takes great effort and skill to create something valuable and lasting.

    The principle of the asymmetry of stupidity also suggests that stupid people are more dangerous when acting in groups, as their combined stupidity can have an even more devastating impact.

    It is therefore important to be vigilant and take steps to mitigate the effects of stupidity on society and organisations.

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