It's just the place that changes...

in voilk •  3 months ago


    This sublime Sunday stroll started by the salt flats in the city of Calpe. The sky was beautiful, with gorgeous white fluffy clouds and the temperatures were just perfect to do this route around the lagoon.

    However, my walk went in a different direction.


    There is a very logical explanation - you can't take a route along dirt trails in shoes with heels. Well, the heel isn't even noticeable for those who are used to walking in high heels, but for me, that was enough to change my mind and postpone this birdwatching and hiking activity to another day - with a suitable outfit for that.


    I am determined to do this route, which is not very long; it is about 45 minutes as the info board suggests. When I visit it properly I will write more about this place and if I am lucky and the birds are closer, maybe I can also show some flamingoes that live here.

    Btw, the little white spots in the middle of the water... do you see them...? No, they can't be seen - they were too far away and I don't have a camera to capture them.


    But it is fine, it's just the place that changes, and the rest is still the same. It is still Sunday and it is I who will continue seeing the dreamy fluffy clouds and flamingoes in other places and things too.

    Like in the lunch my son made. Some tasty clouds here... Do you know what this is?


    No worries, I didn't know either, I just had to have confidence in the young chef.

    So, these are like dumplings filled with ground meat and vegetables. It is called Jiaozi. There are a few ways to prepare them - you can steam or boil them, or fry them on a tiny amount of oil in a frying pan and add a little water, leave it to "cook" for two to three minutes and that's it.

    The latter is how my son made them.

    There were other things too for our lunch but this was exceptional and sublime, it deserved to come to Hive. With a happy tummy and still happy mind I went to my balcony. You know what comes now, right?


    Correct!! Rocks and doodling activities! 😁

    A cup of coffee (with Baileys 😲) and a snack "for later" found their place on the desk with the new collection of rocks ready to be used as a canvas. These days I made several one-eyed creatures. Two were adopted and these two you see here look at each other and make me company.

    I start to think they give me ideas.


    Maybe I should share in the Kindness Rocks community (oops, a bit of promotion hahaha)... but it stays in the Sublime Sunday topic, as this is what my second part of this sunny day looked like.

    I painted one rounded rock blue and doodled some yellow spirals on it and another thin rock was decorated with purple leaves. They will be part of a bigger scene, hopefully. Not today though.

    The next rock got a tattoo with a pencil - lines that first had to be just two triangles.


    Then I slowly added blue and yellow colours, and more triangles and white lines and dots and it is how it turned out to be a...

    ...a dog!

    It can be also a wolf. Not sure. What do you say? Is it a dog or a wolf of none of them?

    Oh, what a bit of Baileys Irish Cream in my coffee did... I see animals in lines! 😵


    It was still not all.

    This rock which had been painted in black some days ago was the background for one yellow dot. Then seven white dots appeared around it.


    And more orange, blue, and white dots... Let's just say many dots, of different sizes!

    I somehow like the result 😇


    The rock is not sublime itself - but I think the day could be called that way.


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