Lady On A Mission.

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Every year on the 20th of March, the globe celebrates the “world oral health day” but I didn't know such a day even existed until this time last year.

    Medical students are cladded with the responsibility of finding out about such days and putting things in place to ensure that the celebration goes smoothly. Take world cancer day for instance. On this day, the medical students go on rallies in groups, educating people about cancer, telling them what possible signs to look out for and what not. The end result is usually sensitization of the public.


    I'm not a big fan of these rallies because they usually involve covering long distances on foot, being exposed to constant sunlight and it also involves stressful activities. Knowing myself, I am one of those people who stress doesn’t look good on, so I try to abstain as much as possible.

    During the preparation for the event last year, I got an impromptu visit from the director of welfare; who is a very good friend of mine. It was a beautiful day to have a guest and so I welcomed her in. The conversation we had centred around school and its activities. She talked about how her classes were going and I did the same. When it felt like the momentum of our conversation was withering away, she brought up an idea that I initially thought was ludicrous.

    “Wongi, you know that next week will be the world oral health day?”

    “World oral health day? There is a day like that?”

    “Yes, there is. And as usual, the medical students are going to be getting involved” she said.

    I sighed lightly on hearing this.

    “And this time, I would need your help” she finally said.

    “My help? You know how I feel about rallies.” I immediately responded.

    “No, I'm not talking about the rally. I was posted to the rural areas to practice for two weeks and I leave tomorrow.”

    “Okay? So how do I come in?”

    “I need you to go to the toothpaste office and solicit on my behalf tomorrow.”

    “You need me to what now? I exclaimed. “I didn't even know such a day existed and now I have to go to an office I do not know and solicit on your behalf! How do I even go about it? What should I say?”

    She quietly watched me lay out my worries and once I was done, she said,

    “You're the only person I can trust to get the job done. Here is the letter. I will text you the location once I arrive home.” She handed me a sealed brown envelope.

    “What exactly should I solicit for?”

    “The three things we need are supplies of toothpastes, toothbrushes and their mascot”. She responded .

    I felt a turbulent surge of adrenaline through my veins. I had never done anything like this before and I didn't even know who I was up against.

    I spent the whole night searching for a friend to escort me to the said location. A friend who knew the exact location of the office. Sadly, the friends I contacted were either too busy or didn't know how to get there.

    I was faced with two problems; first, finding my way to the office and next, speaking fluently enough to convince the manager to let out some supplies–for free.


    The next day, I dressed up and began my sojourn. With the help of a map, I navigated my way through the streets of my city. On reaching the office, I walked in and met with the receptionist.

    “Good afternoon ma'am. I am Wongi and I'm here on behalf of the medical students’ director of welfare.”

    “Good afternoon dear, how may I help you?”

    “I would like to meet with your manager ma'am. It concerns the upcoming world oral health day.”

    “Oh dear, the manager is not on seat now but you can leave a message.”

    “Okay ma'am. The medical students would like to solicit for your company's assistance with some supplies. This is because we would be sensitising the public on proper oral health.” I took a pause to read her countenance and it was still as receptive as ever. “As such, we would need a few supplies of toothpastes, toothbrushes and the mascot”.

    She chuckled lightly and said. “ You are quite outspoken and I like that but, what do we stand to gain from this?”

    “We plan to make the whole day about your company's brand ma'am. We intend to tell the public that Colgate products are one of the best, if not the best in the country. This is one way of advertising in my opinion.”

    She nodded in assertion and said “Alright then, I would relay your message to the director once she returns”.

    I smiled, stifling my exhilaration. “Thank you very much ma'am. Here is a letter for the manager. The director of welfare’s number is included in the letter just in case you need direct contact with her. Thank you once again ma.” I concluded and made to leave when she said;

    “How about I give you the manager’s number? Your director can call her and a motion would be set from there.”

    “That would be great, ma. I would really love that.” I responded.

    She went ahead to read out the manager’s number to me. I thanked her and walked out of the office. On reaching outside the gate, I heaved a sigh of relief. Did I just pull that up myself? I was honestly impressed at what I just did. It was obvious that I made a good impression and like my mom always says “first impression matters a lot.”

    I journeyed back home and once I freshened up and settled in, I told the director of welfare every single thing. I forwarded the manager's number to her and told her to call him.

    A week later on the world oral health day, we were asked to come and pick up the supplies from the office and the mascot too. As I heard the news, I was elated. Not because we got the supplies but because I was able to play my little role in convincing the receptionist and from what I saw, I did a pretty good job.


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