Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge! - RULESET: Five Alive / バトルメイジ・シークレット ウィークリーチャレンジ - ルールセット: Five Alive

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge!

    The rule for Five Alive is that you can only organize five of them. You hardly need to be aware of it. If the cost is 99, you can't use them up in the first place, and if it's 30 or less, you often can't organize six of them.

    Five Aliveは5体しか編成できないルールですが。ほとんど意識する必要はないよね。コスト99だとそもそも使い切れないし、30以下だったら6体編成出来ないことも多いし。



    I knew the opponent didn't use up all the cost either. I want to pile up high cost monsters, but I can only use Fire and Dragon, so I'm worried about the rear guard? But maybe you don't have high-cost Dragon because there are so many legendaries and they are so expensive? At least I do.


    I also want to put monsters with a lot of HP because of What Doesn't Kill You in the rules, and I want to refrain from magic because of Counterspell. I am using an organization that reinforces the DRYBONE RAIDER.

    あとは、ルールにWhat Doesn’t Kill YouがあるからHPの多いモンスター置きたくなるし、Counterspellで魔法も控える感じ?私は DRYBONE RAIDER を強化する編成にしています。

    I thought we were going to lose because the first two enemies were so hard, but when the battle actually got underway, our organization meshed great and we had a lot of time to spare. HALFLING ALCHEMIST and DISINTEGRATOR lowered their attack power while SCAVO HIRELING restored Armor. Once the first two are defeated, the rest is just a matter of time.

    敵の前から2体が硬いから負けるかと思ったけど、実際にバトルを進めるとこちらの編成が凄い噛み合ってて余裕があったね。 HALFLING ALCHEMIST と DISINTEGRATOR が攻撃力を下げつつ SCAVO HIRELING でArmorを回復。前の2体を倒してしまえばあとは何とでも。

    But I still don't know what to do about the Feb Four and Five Alive rules.
    If there are other rules in the mix, you should give priority to those rules. Because, you know, the number of people who can organize is decreasing, so there is nothing to be done.

    しかし、やっぱりFeb FourとFive Aliveのルールはどうしていいかわからないね。

    In my case, recently I often use DJINN OSHANNUS + VENARI MARKSRAT formation, or DRYBONE RAIDER + VENARI MARKSRAT in a similar way.


    DJINN OSHANNUS is used as an evasive tank when the rules allow it. It is also very good at avoiding magic when used at level 2. Monsters that use magic, especially in a modern environment, often have low speed. OSHANNUS has high speed, so it can avoid magic very well!

    DJINN OSHANNUS の場合は使えるルールの場合は回避できるタンクとしてつかう。レベル2で使うと魔法も回避するのが超優秀。魔法を使うモンスター、特にモダン環境の場合はスピードが低いことが多いんだよね。 >OSHANNUS はスピードが高いからめっちゃ回避できる!

    In the case of DRYBONE RAIDER, you tank at the front for Going the Distance, and put it behind for Equal Opportunity or Super Sneak and attack 4 times, etc. Although the usage varies depending on the rules, this one is also easy to use.
    The only problem is that it's Soulbound and I can't buy it...

    DRYBONE RAIDER の場合はGoing the Distanceの場合は先頭でタンク、Equal OpportunityやSuper Sneakの時は後ろに置いて4回攻撃といったようにルールによって使い方が変わるもののこちらも使い勝手は良い。

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