Show Me A Photo Contest Round 159 | A Tiny Chick

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hello feathered friend folks,

    Actually this is my first time, and I'm glad that I'd found this extraordinary contest. Which I'm really running-out of time and hoping it counts.

    By the way this is my entry, a small tiny chick which not belong to its group. It is alone because it was under of other chicks and the worst thing, the mother hen pecking this tiny little chick by its beak.


    So sad because it is always leave by the mother hen when looking a food, it is always on the last when the mother hen finds a food.


    As an owner of this little chick, feeling of sorrow, dissappointment and compassion causes by the suffering and misfortunes of its mother hen. So what I did, I'll just gives it a food for its survival, a chick booster and I hopes it will really survive.


    I had a lesson learned, which it is really hard to be alone and no one cares, a sad thing.

    My entry and thank you.

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