Long Term Mindset | Time Is Money

in voilk •  4 months ago

    life is a journey & so as building wealth ( even if you like capitalism or dislike being a rich person).

    Economic life is one part of important part where all of our sufferings and pain, good social position and better standards of living depends. When money calls us for action, we dont just move with it but find out of choice at some times. At one side, grocery shoppings are climbing high and inflation is hitting hard, on the other the demand is rising as per to manage other utility bills.

    These are all necessary examples that keep rotating one after another. Being solvent or having a decent amount of wealth to live on, still the responsibility to manage the prices and keep saving money and for deposits we are to act. No other way really if we think realistically.

    I have seen one of my neighbours to be super busy in his official tasks, the added pressure to handle procedures and customers and clients coming one after another in quest of services. Sometimes with complaints about the products his company deals with. More problem solving means more money and he never seem to be bored of doing the same stereotyped tasks every day differently.

    Once I asked him why do you get super busy and leave less time to relax and provide time to the family ?

    His answers were soundly reflective of the reality and choosy living conditions of the city living in. The reply of being considerate and helping his family to grow, adding to bank balance and depositing some percentage of spare money in share markets. Making plans that would help him when his family would need it.

    That was a way conservative thought, I thought why not being more cautious and think of the long term solution out of being short sighted. When you go for buying a new spectacle in a near optical centre, the opthalmologist would posit some of the diagnostics and metrics to identify whether you are a short sighted or the long vision is okay or not.

    I felt pretty similar while drawing an analogy that, in economic life of a person, not being far sighted starts to create burden in life. Sometimes it turns out that not having a proper visionary, futuristic quality could charge a life pretty much. The burdens are many, with extravagant way of spending and not having a proper deposit plan can unsettle the future.

    Letting the future needs into a hall of uncertainty.

    So, why having a long term plan in slot ?

    The answer is clear to the platform I am writing in. There are so many hivers in the past before have opined how they set goals to hold tokens, influencing tokens like Hive Power(HP) and Leo which could potentially help to secure an instant demand when needed.

    Some people likes to withdraw frequently, when the price is reasonably well but not satisfactory enough to sell for the long run. Necessities of life are many, I you and we already know and feel that. But, protecting the tokens to grow and implementing the goal of long term settlement, one can secure well comparatively more genuinely than the other one.

    Future would pose to be uncertain always, even we feel that our income and expenses are under control and financial life is moving smoothly. Still the threats arent cleared off, it grow on. Some of the crypto investments can solve such challenges or even other conventional assets.

    But in the end, not looking for futuristic goals and visions targeted for long term mindset can most certainly have a try to grip the existing problems. And in addition to that, I have made this post to be 100% power up, because I remembered one wise old saying,

    Preach what You Teach.

    How was that ? 👋🏀

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