Hi, I am Arveno and i am from Surabaya city Indonesia. I want to make content about the sad news that comes from Indonesia. After getting attacked by Corruption news, now one of the city on Indonesia flooded. Fortunately this place is far away from my home. But, yeah we dont know when disaster came. At first i did not know that the heavy rain in West Java can be that bad. I knew from the news about heavy rain around Java island. And FYI, Java island is island that almost my family lived in right now. But we are in different cities. In the past few days in my place Surabaya city, the weather is always sunny. There are just rain for few minutes and then going to hot again. But, that will be different to my parents city. They said after arrived at home after seeing me, heavy rain coming and make everyplace in their city flooded. But luckily my parents house in hills side. So, it is kinda safe from flood. But my parents in law houses got flooded a liitle bit. Since their place in low hill. So, after hearing this news from my parents, i thinking that this news is included as bad news. But, it turns out that in another city and province. In West Java, Bekasi city the exactly place, the heavy rain hit and make all the city flooded. And its heavyly flooded. The water rising until reaching second floor. So, i think it will be 3-4 meter depth for this flood. And the worst part is this happened yesterday. And yet monitored still flooded and the water hasn't subsided yet. So, it will be hard for people that living in that area. The sanitary, the food, the clean water, and place for sleeping. I cant imagine how to survive in that tragedy. I dont know for sure how many people that dies in this tragedy. Or worse they are still missing and drowned in their own hous, trapped and cannot get out. Or they can swept away by the flood current that many people dont aware some people missing. Yeah i am shivering after reading this news. I imagined if i am in this position. I will confused and just focused to make at least my son safe. Thats what i thought about this tragedy. Hopefully, the flood receded quickly, so they can come back again in their home and prepare to cleaning up and repair any damage that they got from flooded. And what can we do to prevent this disaster?? I think this disaster is caused by mostly from nature. But, i think human error still give indirect impact to this catasthropy. I dont know about urban planning, maybe the goverment did not aware about how water absorption in the city or missplacing housing area in water catchment area. Or maybe people in that area still not aware with throwing garbage everywhere and make many waterway got stuck by garbage. And thats will make the water cannot flow to the river and that will make flood too. Or maybe it is just bad luck that the heavy rain is in the same day with high tide. So, the water level from ocean rising and same with the height of the city. So, heavy rain will making the situation worse and will causing flood.
But yeah, what we can do after reading the bad tragedy news is prepare all the securities or house certificate, or identity card and some valuable paper in one place that can be easy to take. At least it will make it easy to get helped by goverment later if the goverment are helping. Second of course need pray hopefully we will be spared from serious problems.
In the end of this content is yeah hopefully they can get back on to their house and keep healthy and fine.
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