Laws And A Longing For An Improved Neighborhood

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Everyone surely loves it when things work accordingly by arrangement,especially in our respective neighbourhoods. Laws are what makes for organization and peaceful living among members of a community. However it can be saddening to see how a neighbourhood degrades in values because there is no law to govern them or perhaps people co-existing with each other do not care so much about keeping these laws.

    In my neighborhood, there are not so much laws that guides the actions of people. It's like everyone is free to do whatever they wish, which is a problem because it leads to a lot of misunderstandings and conflicts between the neighbors. I have been living in that neighborhood since I was born and over the years, there have been issues arising as a result of lack of governance. However, I've thought of laws which I love to see implemented in my neighborhood that can help foster a more peaceful and healthy environment for everyone.

    Improved Community engagement.
    In matters concerning the general public, co-operation and support is of the essence. Every member of the community is expected to show support in tackling matters that affects the entire neighborhood. This is actually a big problem in my neighborhood because most of my neighbour behave indifferently when it comes to public concerns. Take as an example the issue of electricity, most times we have issues of the transformers blowing up and causing a seize in the flow of electricity.

    When this happens, most of my neighbours will not want to come together in order to fix the problem or even offer meaningful opinions. They always leave the matter in the hands of the few people who are always active in the neighborhood. The few active ones will now have to carry the whole problem upon themselves as if they are the only ones benefiting from the electricity. This often cause misunderstandings and fights among the neighbors because there is no sense of fair treatment when people act like that.

    Also, in the aspect of community development exercises like the general cleanup exercises which happen once a month in my neighborhood, I think there should be a law that will remind people to take active part in such exercises for a healthier environment. A lot of my neighbors don't care about coming out for the general cleanup exercises, leaving it just for a few people who end up getting discouraged for having been left alone to do all the work.

    Responsible pet ownership/animal control

    A lot of my neighbors own pets and other livestock which they raise for food or to serve other purposes. While that is totally allowed, pet owners should however care about other people living in the neighborhood, especially when it comes to their pets leaving litters around people's homes. It can be quite irritating. I remember a few times my neighbors goat strayed to my mom's garden and destroyed her crops, Even after complaining to the owner, we didn't see any significant positive reaction as regards the matter at hand. The goats were still allowed to wander around and cause trouble.

    Noise Control
    While everyone is free to live their best lives in the neighborhood, a little bit of consideration should also be shown to other members of the community. I have a very religious neighbor who is practically living next to my house and she plays all her christian songs on megaphones all through the night, especially when there's a program going on in her church. There is no way one will be able to catch a good night's sleep with the way these songs are so loud and deafening.

    In the morning, other neighbors will complain how much they couldn't sleep the night before because of the noise that was generated from playing those songs. I think there should be a limit to how much people should play their songs, especially at night when people are looking forward to retiring for the day and resting their heads. Probably some restrictions on how loud the songs are to be or for how long it should be played.

    These are the areas that are creating issues in my neighborhood which I love to have laws put in place to guide people's behaviour in my neighborhood and foster peaceful coexistence in the community.
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    This is in response to the monthly prompt initiative organized by Inleo. Click Here to know more about the prompt for April.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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