Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - Theme: Baron's Bounty Bitcoin Halving Promo Event!

in voilk •  2 months ago



    Hello! This post is for the entry of Splinterlands Social Media Challenge. In this post, it features cards from Baron's Bounty Bitcoin Halving Promo Event, and how the halving ability could be used in battles.



    Before we look at the cards, with only 4 days left, the Baron's Bounty event seems like a success, and over 195,708,400 DEC and CREDITS were spent in this event.
    Let's take a brief look at the promo cards: Baron Fyatt and Henchling Enforcer. They both has Halving ability, and they are also dual monsters, meaning they could be used at two elements. It means that it can be used in more battles, since you still can use when one of the elements are avaliable.

    Baron Fyatt

    Baron Fyatt is a Legnedary card that costs 31,250 DEC/CREDITS. With Scattershot and Ambush, you can reduce not only the front unit's attack but also units at the back. Also, ambush would reduce the attack before the game even starts.


    Henchling Enforcer

    Henchling Enforcer is a Rare card that costs 3,125 DEC/CREDITS. It is also the card that is featured in this battle, since I bought a couple copies of it and has it. The abilities are weaker compared to Baron Fyatt but it has 3 Ranged attacks even at level 2, and True Strike guarantees that it hits the enemy.




    Battle Info

    Rank: Novice Modern Tournament
    Avaliable Type: Light, Death, Dragon
    Mana: 50
    Aim True: Melee and Ranged attacks will always hit their target.

    The ruleset was not really interesting with only 1 Ruleset in play. Also high mana and Dragon element available meant that you could use some strong units.


    My Lineup

    Summoner: Grandmaster Rathe. It gives +1 armor, Void Armor and Amplify to all monsters for only 6 mana. I personally like this summoner because you could use this card with high armored cards with low health.

    First positon: Arkemis the Bear. It is a CL promo card that costs 12 mana, and it gives +2 armor to all friendly units. With the Void Armor ability from Grandmaster Rathe, the armor gets more powerful and it would be able to block magic attacks too. It also makes a good tank with 3 melee attack and high health.

    Second position: Djinn Renova. For 7 mana you get 2 magic attack and also Strengthen ability which increases the health of all friendly units by 1. I put this unit to give buffs to our units.

    Third position: Adelade Brightwing. It is also a 7 mana monster with 2 magic attack. It doesn't Resurrect friendly monsters since it is a Novice Tournament, but Repair still is a good ability combined with Void Armor.

    Fourth position: Meriput Magician. A new card from the Rebellion set, Meriput Magician has Tank Heal from level 1. Tank Heal is always nice and without Affliction or high DPS, the enemy monsters would have a lot of trouble to get through our tank.

    Fifth position: Venka The Vile. It is a new Rebellion promo card that just got out recently. It has a new ability called Charge, and similar like Melee Mayhem, it could attack from any position, although it has melee attack.

    Last position: Henchling Enforcer. And last but not least, our featured unit which is Henchling Enforcer. It has only 2 ranged attack, but the focus is on the halving ability than the damage, although high damage is nice. Aim True ruleset is also nice because it would not be able to get that ability on level 1.


    Battle Link: HERE


    Round 1

    The enemy monsters were revealed and the enemy had a really strong lineup with Captain Katie and Drybone Barbarian. Also they had a monster with headwinds which reduced the Hechling Enforcer's attack to only 1 ranged attack. The battle started and the enemy monsters were able to attack first since they were getting a speed buff and also were more closer to the front. Meriput Magician's attack made Drybone Barbarian enraged but luckily its attack hit the armor of Arkimes the bear. Henchling Enforcer halved its attack from 6 to 3, and Drybone Barbarian was taken down.


    Round 2

    Round 2 began and it was clear that I would be winning this battle after all. After taking down Junker and Venari Marksrat, They had only 3 monsters while I had 6.


    Round 3

    After Henchling Enforcer taking down Captain Katie and Time Meddler taken down by Adelade Brightwing, they had only 1 monster left. It was GG on Round 4.


    Thoughts about this battle

    It was a landslide battle, with the main difference of having Heal/Repair. Henchling Enforcer only had 1 ranged attack but I think it did something in this battlle.


    Thanks to all the people that read this post!

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    All images are used from Splinterland.

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