Aventuras de Pancho y Lola / Adventures of Pancho and Lola

in voilk •  5 months ago

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    Pancho y Lola son dos lindos perritos que se conocieron hace 4 años, se llevan solo tres meses de diferencia y son inseparables. Pancho era un bebe cuando mi hija lo vió por primera vez y se enamoró él, justo lo estaban dando en adopción y ella no dudó en llevarlo a su casa para cuidarlo, su raza es una mezcla de jack russel y chihuahua según un análisis de ADN que le practicaron. Lola, es una mezcla de yorkshire con maltés ambos con pedigree, su mamá humana Raiza pago por ella y desde entonces se convirtieron en una familia.

    Pancho and Lola are two cute little dogs that met 4 years ago, they are only three months apart and they are inseparable. Pancho was a baby when my daughter saw him for the first time and fell in love with him, they were just giving him up for adoption and she did not hesitate to take him home to take care of him, his breed is a mix of jack russel and chihuahua according to a DNA test that was performed. Lola, is a mix of Yorkshire and Maltese, both with pedigree, her human mom Raiza paid for her and since then they became a family.




    Ellos se acompañan mientras sus mamis trabajan, los días que tienen libre los llevan a pasear a parques para perritos, ellos viven Miami Florida (EEUU), allí hay muchos sitios destinados a la recreación de los peluditos (ver vídeo). Para Lola y Pancho es la felicidad total porque corren, juegan y comparten con otros perros, aunque Pancho, a pesar de su tamaño busca marcar territorio y a veces se enoja y ataca, es muy celoso cuando se le acercan a Lola.

    They keep each other company while their moms work, the days they have free they take them for walks to doggy parks, they live in Miami Florida (USA), there are many places for the recreation of the furry ones (see video). For Lola and Pancho it is total happiness because they run, play and share with other dogs, although Pancho, despite his size seeks to mark territory and sometimes gets angry and attacks, he is very jealous when they approach Lola.



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    Hace 15 días llegué de visita y decidimos llevarlos al parque Chapman Field, fué divertido verlos correr junto a otros perros mas grandes a través del cercado, este parque esta cerca de unos manglares de playa la cual queríamos ver de cerca. Pancho y Lola estaban ya cansados cuando decidimos acercarnos a la orilla para contemplar el mar, pero el camino estaba muy pantanoso, esto no fué impedimento para seguir avanzando, nuestros zapatos se enterraron en el fango, era desagradable caminar así, pero las ganas de llegar a la playa nos motivaba a continuar, llegamos a un punto donde no había paso. Nos devolvimos para tomar otro camino igualmente pantanoso, Pancho era el guía, pero igualmente estaba cerrado...nos devolvimos un poco frustradas porque nuestros zapatos y Pancho estaban muy sucios. Regresamos a casa para bañarlos, esa noche se durmieron temprano.

    15 days ago I came to visit and we decided to take them to the park Chapman Field, it was fun to see them running along with other bigger dogs through the fence, this park is close to a mangrove beach which we wanted to see up close. Pancho and Lola were already tired when we decided to approach the shore to contemplate the sea, but the road was very swampy, this was not an impediment to continue advancing, our shoes were buried in the mud, it was unpleasant to walk like that, but the desire to reach the beach motivated us to continue, we reached a point where there was no passage. We turned back to take another equally swampy path, Pancho was the guide, but it was closed anyway...we turned back a little frustrated because our shoes and Pancho were very dirty. We returned home to bathe them, they went to sleep early that night.




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    Las imágenes y vídeo son propiedad de @aventurerasbike, las canciones usadas en la edición del video son: children music del músico: Piyushtwentytwo y Carefree Claps de Red reproductions. Editora del vídeo: @aventurerasbike. El ingles no es nuestra lengua nativa, se ha usado la aplicación Deepl para la traducción.

    The images and video are property of @aventurerasbike, the songs used in the video editing are: children music by musician: Piyushtwentytwo and Carefree Claps by Red reproductions. Video editor: @aventurerasbike. English is not our native language, we used the Deepl application for the translation.

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