Exploring a small part of the Skyrim wastelands / heading to the greybeards / Skyrim

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Welcome my dear brothers and sisters Gamers.

    As a lover in the open world video game genre, for me it is a pleasure to share with you the wonders that one of my favorite video games has with a huge and almost endless world called Skyrim.

    Currently, I have many quests to do and just my story here is just beginning, so this time, my path was to go to the icy mountains of the greybeards to learn how to use the voice of the dragons.

    On the way I came across some awesome stuff and I wanted to share with you, let's see what wonders we came across this time.

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    Believe it or not, my goal is right on that icy peak you see ahead....

    I'm kidding hahaha, actually I have to go to a much worse one, it's higher and more icy, but I'll show you that later.

    While I was walking, in the distance there was a kind of structure, although the path was divided into 3 parts, in order to get to my destination I have to choose one of those 3, but my curiosity went a little further and I got into a certain death...

    That's why they say, curiosity killed the cat 👀....


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    In one of those 3 paths that I had chosen, it led me to a nest of giants, as I had already killed many enemies a little strong and still continued forward, I thought I had enough level to face one of them, but it turned out that they rather gave me a beating with only 2 hits.

    After dying I went to the second path, just where that construction was very striking in the distance in the previous captures, but this was mined of thieves, unlike the giants, these are much weaker, in fact, with only 1 hit with my sword they were all dead.

    So I wanted to investigate a little more in depth this structure and find some good captures.


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    As I explored the ruined fortifications for a while, I reached the highest point I could reach to admire the amazing landscape of the frozen mountains.

    It turns out that the highest part was a watchtower, in fact it was a good place for a thief to shoot me with an arrow, but when he saw me coming he ran away, because he even left the bow on the table.

    In fact, now that I'm in this watchtower, I had the opportunity to capture the mountain where the graybeards are, a main mission that I have to do to be able to face the dragons, because it turns out that my character is dragon blood.

    Those mountains you see, in the bottom screenshot of this text, is the place where I have to go, so I have to go around it first to be able to climb it, because from this side where I was I couldn't get there.

    I also wanted to capture this part where the lake goes under the bridge, it was an amazing moment.



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    I continued on my way to my goal and found another ruined fortress, but this one I didn't want to explore because I was eager to discover those abilities I possess as a dragon blood.

    Finally, I had reached the village that led me to the path to the peak of the graybeards, but I could not climb the 7000 steps without first capturing this beautiful sunset where the reflection of the sun is appreciated with the river and my character on a bridge.


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    To climb has been said hahaha, but on the way and almost at the end of the tip of the mountain towards my goal, I wanted to look out to see how high I was, in doing so I was surprised what could be seen in the distance, a catacomb that I will have to explore later, inside them I can find more skills like dragon's blood.

    Climbing this mountain has not been easy, first because the wind here can push you into the void and die in the fall, second because the steps were eternal, something they call it the peak of the 7000 steps ... and third because of the enemies I met on the way, they were really strong and I got to kill 2 times.

    When I finally reached the top, I could find the temple of the graybeards, place where the goal of our character's life begins.

    Thank you very much for coming this far, I hope you like it, until next time.


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    The separators are authored by me, the images are screenshots taken from my player profile on my computer, the GIF edits are created by me.

    This is the program I used to create my design:

    Gif and cover courtesy of Canva

    translated by Deepl


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