Pepe Memes: Pepe Wif a Base Ball Bat

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Pepe Wif a baseball bat looking fer baseball season!


    Doesn't look like baseball season yet!



    Then again..

    Do frog know how to play baseball?

    Do frogs even know what baseball is?

    This Pepe may have seen sumone chasing sumthing with a bat...

    Feels Good Man!

    *notification list (comment to be added): @beckyonweb @bitphoto @efmm @elizabethbit @ganjafarmer @gregscloud @ironshield @kenny-crane @nomaddreamer @thebighigg @tydynrain *

    $PEPE Hive Engine - TribalDex

    Pepe Token Community Ecency - LeoFinance - PeakD

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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