Kill And Die For Love

in voilk •  3 months ago

    With his heart beating wildly in his chest, Noam had hidden himself somewhere in the garden among the boxwoods and was waiting for the arrival of his love, Octavius.

    He had been waiting there since the evening and now it was completely dark. He knew that the doors of the mansion would be locked soon and if he didn't leave soon, he would have to wait until tomorrow morning to leave, and if the guards found him in the mansion, it would be a big scandal for him and his family.

    He stood up and carefully came out from behind the boxwoods.
    "I'm so worried! Something must have happened to Octavius. I need to go inside the mansion and find out what's going on."

    While being careful not to be seen by the guards, he went inside and climbed the long staircase, pausing behind each room and listening to the sounds that were coming until he heard the familiar voice of Octavius from one of them.

    "Lord Remyel, you forbade me to leave the mansion, but you didn't say I couldn't go to the garden."

    "The guards said they saw you naked in the garden."

    "I wanted to swim in the pond."

    "Stop lying, Octavius. They heard your secret lover's moans as you made love to him."

    Noam's heart collapsed in his chest. Remyel continued:
    "And of course he has been seen and identified. He is Noam, the eldest son of the Barno family. I intend to write a letter to his father right now and inform him of his son's disgraceful actions."

    Noam thought to himself with panic what to do. If his father found out that he was the lover of Octavius, he would banish him to a far away place and he would never be able to see his love again.

    Without realizing what he was doing, he opened the door and walked in. The color drained from Octavius' face at the sight of him, and a smirk crossed Remyel's lips.
    "Talk of the devil!"

    Noam went forward and knelt in front of Ramyel and said:
    "My lord, I beg you not to tell my father about my relationship with Octavius."

    "And what will you do for me in return for this favor?"

    "Whatever you command, my lord."

    Octavius, who knew that Remyel was one of Noam's old admirers, said in a panicked tone:
    "What are you talking about, Noam? Are you out of your mind?"

    Noam answered with tears in his eyes.
    "I have no other choice, my love."

    Remyel raised his hand and started caressing Noah's cheek.
    "I think you should be happy with this situation in your heart. Two men can please you better."

    Octavius said angrily.
    "Lord Remyel, how dare you? I can bear your contempt for me, but never your insult to Noam."

    Remyel said coolly:
    "Calm down, Octavius. I'm sure you don't want Noah to be disgraced in public."

    And then he bent a little from his chair and lifted Noam and put him on his legs. While blushing with shame and unable to look at Octavius' face, Noam closed his eyes and prayed to the gods that Remyel's work with him would end soon.

    Remyel took off Noam's clothes and threw them on the floor and brought his face forward to kiss him when suddenly his eyes widened and he screamed in pain.

    Noam opened his eyes to see Octavius holding a bloody dagger and realized that he had plunged it into Remyel's heart from behind.

    Terrified, he jumped up and put his hands over his mouth.
    "What have you done, Octavius?"

    Remyel's lifeless body fell to the ground, and Octavius, his face as white as the dead, took Noam's clothes and gave them to him, and taking him by the hand, led him to the window.
    "We have to run."

    Tears gathered in Noam's eyes and he sobbed and said:
    "But it's full of guards down there."

    Octavius looked out of the window with a defeated face and said:
    "Yes, but we have to try our luck."

    And he opened the window and placed his feet on its outer edge. Noam immediately put on his clothes and took Octavius' hand, which was extended to him, and walked into the darkness.

    He thought to himself that if they did not succeed, Octavius would be executed and in his mind he saw his love kneeling on the ground and an executioner with a thick sword cutting his head from his body.


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