My values and my life

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Do your values tie into your pursuit of minimalism, or is it driven by a special preference? What inspire the minimalist in you?

    According to Joshua Becker, a minimalist means intentionally promoting the things we most value and removing everything that distracts us from it.
    It is a life that forces intentionality upon us. As a result, it forces improvements in almost all aspects of your life.

    Being a minimalist is simply living a life off distractions and focusing on things that will improve my life. I would like to use a scripture in the Bible to explain this. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

    The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.
    Matthew 6:21‭-‬22 KJV
    The Bible makes it clear that if our eyes can simply be focused on God then we will be full of light. Applying this scripture to minimalism is shifting my focus to things that are NECESSARY in order for me to be a better person.

    I cannot deny the fact that there are many distractions everywhere. In fact, some of the distractions have a camouflage of promoting values in my life but if I have an in-depth check on them I will discover that they are just distractions.

    I will not lie to you, living a minimalist life can be tough. Especially when a person has become accustomed to engaging in every single activity they come across. A minimalist life is an intentional life. I have heard of testimonies of people who dropped many things and faced the necessaries and their lives were turned around.

    Do my value ties into my pursuit of minimalism?

    I'd say, yes. There must be a ground for minimalism. I cannot want to live a minimalist life without having anything to focus on. If I do this, then the pursuit of minimalism in me is a distraction.

    What driven the minimalist in me?

    The minimalist in me is driven by something, a passion, a value, a purpose, a desire for simplicity, a more intentional way of living and a personal preference. I like to focus on what truly matters to me, such as experiences, relationships, and personal growth,
    Back to the scripture I quoted earlier, my eyes being single means I am looking at something. I am looking unto God and then my whole body will be full of light.

    What inspires minimalist in me?

    What inspires the minimalist in me must have a ground and that ground will in turn lead to a value oriented life. It is a combination of personal values, environmental concerns, a desire for simplicity, or a longing for a more fulfilling and intentional and impactful life.

    What minimalism has done for me?
    • It is an Intentional Life: I am living by clarity, purpose, and intentionality. An intentional life is a choice. Living a minimalist life is also a choice to make in order to live a value oriented life,it forces improvements in almost all aspects of my life.
      Intentionality requires me to dive deeper and become more introspective about my values and passions.

    • It is a life of impact:
      Many of us have been sent into different spheres in life for example; the media space, education, family, religion, politics and governance amongst others focusing on what your sphere is automatically builds a person. This life is seen as a competition whereby people are running a race of riches, fame, philanthropist among others but my dive is not all about competition but it has actually made me a different person. Adopting a minimalist lifestyle has helped me to live a meaningful and impactful life.

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