STEMng Digest: Between the pawns and the chess master

in voilk •  5 months ago

    When I consider everything going on in the world as far as international politics and economics are concerned, I can't just see beyond the fact that a large percentage of the world's population are just pawns in the hands of a few - the chess masters.

    Directly or indirectly, the chess masters control our lives and everything we do, including the amount of food we eat and the air we breathe. I know someone is already thinking the chess masters are those in government. No, those in government are the bigger chess pieces like knight, king, and queen, their bosses are usually behind the scene. They dictate their movement.

    Welcome to a new edition of STEMng Digest.

    Who are we?

    STEMng is the Nigerian sub-community of the stemsocial community, a community that has been supporting stem authors on the hive blockchain for about four years now. While stemsocial focuses on everyone irrespective of their country, STEMng is specifically for Nigerians. The best stem contents published by Nigerians on the Hive blockchain are highlighted weekly.

    Below are the posts that made it into our digest for this week:

    1.@skyehi: Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and Its Diagnosis - Creator Awareness
    It is totally normal to forget things once in while, especially as one grows older. However, when it becomes excessive or starts forming a pattern, something else might be involved, like mild cognitive impairment. As opposed to dementia, this is actually more common and you can learn more by reading our first post for this edition.

    2.@ebingo: Why You Need Exercise in Your Manual Labor Job (AHA Guidelines)
    "Working out? Gym? I really don't need it cos my work itself is enough as a work out routine."

    Many people hold the same opinion as above. However, watching this video from our fitness coach will likely make you have a rethink. Your work being physically demanding may not entirely replace working out at the gym. Quite an interesting piece.

    3.@bhoa: Heart Attacks: What Happened During the Nigeria VS South Africa football match?
    The African Nation's Cup, with all its associated drama, just concluded yesterday with Ivory Coast emerging the champion. However, it is with great sorrow the government of Nigeria announced the passing away of a government official as a result of a heart attack sustained while watching one of the Nigerian matches in the competition. This can probably happen to anyone, but knowing about heart attack could probably save one's life. Read on....

    4.@busted1: What Will happen if You Go into Space Without Space Suit
    Going to space requires years of preparation - both physically, biologically, and mentally. This is in no thanks to the absence of atmosphere in space as we have it here on earth. Assuming one ends up in space without their space suits, what do you think would happen? Read up on what the fate of such persons will be.

    5.@clinton19: Is Our Universe The First?)

    Ever pondered on the essence of our universe amidst the enigmatic questions surrounding its context? Dive into the realms of philosophy and modern science as this author unveils the mysteries entangled within. From the concept of a multiverse to the intricate layers of quantum mechanics, each revelation unravels new dimensions. Are we but a fleeting iteration in an eternal cycle? Read on to explore the unfathomable depths of our reality!

    And that ends our selections for this week. Do not forget to give the featured posts/authors your maximum support. Thank you in advance.

    If you are a content creator on Hive and wondering how you can participate in the community, all you need to do would to:

    • Write original content or videos
    • Make it as interesting as possible
    • Adopt beautiful layout/formatting
    • Personalize your writing (it is social blogging, remember)
    • Use copyright-free images
    • Include references (facts over fiction)
    • to increase the likelihood of being discovered, use the tag 'stemng'.

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    If you have any information, concern, or inquiries; feel free to pop into our Discord server, message @gentleshaid on discord (gentleshaid#1143), or engage us in the comment section below.

    See you again next week!

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