Fund HPUD w/ daily dCITY $HIVE drip

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Tradition of Hive Power up Day;

    The first day of every month is dedicated to powering up the rewards gained from this platform.

    This initiative started by @traciyork honors the growth of the platform and incentivizes individual growth at the same time.

    I am happy to participate in this for the sixth time and join in on the fun again.

    Holding 340 HP still feels like I am barely scratching the surface of curation rewards.

    I am powering up 57 HIVE to see how this will affect my curation results when supporting my favorite content creators here.


    I am proud to also participate in helping another user @fonestreet participate in HPUD for the first time as well with 10 HIVE.

    He is content creator who joined skatehive awhile back coming from another skateboarding community and I am trying to help him improve his account growth.

    His author rewards are pretty impressive, but I noticed he was powering down and managed to convince him to stop by offering to help him a bit.

    I hope you all will support his work and show him some love to continue growing!

    MAY HPUD Resolution

    My resolution this month is to continue my curation strategy daily and improve the digest post format quality.

    Please check out my curation digest so far and consider joining my fanbase and curation trail for an easy 7% APR!

    This Month of Rewards from dCITY paid for HPUD

    For those interested in a passive way to accumulate the HIVE necessary to participate in the HPUD every month check out my post about the benefits of being a SIM Milllionaire.

    SIM holders receive a daily HIVE airdrop directly to their accounts for holding $SIM the native token of

    Holding 2 Million SIM passively generates about 12 HIVE per month, so you only need about 1.8 million to start compounding those rewards into HPUD.

    An upset in the market price of SIM resulted from the recent change in governance of the dcity President which SIM holders voted for.

    You can buy 1 million SIM for less than $48.

    This massive dip is a great time to buy and possibly the best time for a new player to enter the market.

    Don't miss this massive discount!

    I need to release a new strategy guide after this dip but please feel free to check out my last guide which is still mostly relevant.

    Check out @vaynard86 dCity journey following my updated strategy guides for new players.

    He is already up to 100k SIM from a $1 investment that was able to ROI in two weeks.

    Check out this free to play platformer on hive with weekly $HBD leaderboard rewards.

    It won't make you rich or anything, but rewards are percentage based on weekly hiscores encouraging repeated play for improved score.

    You can also support the reward pool by curating the weekly payout post.

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