in voilk •  3 months ago

    APRIL28, 2024.png


    What a blessed sunday actifiters! Sending some warm greeting to everyone reading to everyone that this blog has reached! Before starting this blog, I would like to extend my appreciation and gratitude for giving some time in reading my writing, and hopes that this blog makes your time worth it. I hope that whoever is reading this blog is doing great in life and facing hardships with confidence and perseverance. Wishing you wonderful days ahead filled with many opportunities that you've always want needed! Let's manifest positivity here in hive, together! 💪💪 Welcome to my actifit miniblog for April 28, 2024.



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    Today is Sunday, April 28, 2024. An out of the usual Sunday where I did various activities worthy to be shared through writing. In the first half of the day I was just laying around the boarding house with nothing much to do, it was very hot and humid though so I cant properly rest in my bed. So I have decided that if I'm going to sweat, then Ill be sweating in the gym where I can have some gains. Usually I don't really go to the gym during sundays because it's a rest day. But due to the heat, I just went to the gym around 3 in the afternoon.



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    I wish that I could have gone to the gym earlier than 3 in the afternoon and just spent the time there. But the gym that I go to only opens from 3 pm to 8:30 pm during Sundays so I basically had no choice.


    So when I arrived at the gym, I went to the cashier to renew my monthly membership/ subscription. I was asked if I was if I was interested in buying this wrist support. I took a good look at it, and decided that I need one.



    My wrist really felt extra secure when using this wrist support, I see it as a good investment for a gymrat like me. In the second image above I was testing it while stretching. It was also very cheap, it was sold for 75 pesos at first but it was offered to me for 60 pesos.... around 1 dollar. A dollar spent for an extra protection while working out is already a bargain. Well as a person who workout constantly I need to prioritize my safety when handling weights so this was a no-brainer.



    When I was about to start my workout I also realized that scheduling my chest and tricep workout during Sundays will really do me good. Why? Well, Mondays is like the weekly national chest and tricep or chest-back day, during this time every bench will be occupied and there will be a long line before getting to use the cable flies. So sunday for chest and triceps it is!

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    I started today's workout with an inclined dumbbell press. I only used two weight in this workout, 35 lbs dumbbell and 50 lb dumbbell. First I used the 35 lbs and did 5 sets of 10 reps. Then I switch to the 50 lbs dumbbells and did 3 sets of 5-8 reps, and it was followed with 2 more sets of the 35 lbs dumbbells.



    The next workout I did was in this machine, I use this as a substitute for dips. I was using this because, as you can see... the dips is occupied and I don't wan't to disturb anyone while working out so I just chose an alternative for the workout. Here I'm using 85 lb weight, and I did 5 sets for this workout doing 12 reps in each set. It really hits the lower chest. And for my last workout for the chest is this machine that targets the upper chest... any idea what's this called? I used 10 kg in each rack, I did 3 sets of to failure to really get the juices working on my upper chest.... upper chest is really hard to grow you know. 😅


    And finally for my tricep workouts, I only did two exercises... triceps push downs and overhead tricep extensions. For both exercises I used 80 lbs wights, similarly for both exercises I did 5 sets for each exercises while doing 8-12 reps in each sets.


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    It was already dark outside by the time I finished my workout, I didn't even realized that I was already working out for more than two hours. I was told the overdoing eat doesn't really do any good to your muscles so i was shocked when I fount it... 2 hours and 15 mins. Well it is what it is, I just got to make sure that I eat within 30 mins after workout for the "anabolic window".



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    Taking a small detour to the cathedral was already a part of my to do list this day. Although I don't usually go to church regularly, I make sure that if I have the time I would go to the Cathedral. Specifically in the altar of Mama Mary, to light some canddles and offer my prayers.

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    It was a coincidence that when we arrived to the cathedral, it was also the time that the mass over so a lot of people was going in out from the cathedral. There were a lot of people too, at the altar. I lit and offer my canddles and prayed. Afterwards, I left the cathedral and went back to my boarding house. The sight of relief I feel after offering my prayers, surrendering my sufferings and giving thanks for the blessings I've received gives a different weightlessness I feel in my chest. It feels like a thorn has been removed in my heart.


    So that is all for today's entry on my ACTIFIT MINIBLOG/ Actifit Report card for April 28, 2024. I have really enjoyed how I have spent my sunday in both physical and spiritual way. 💪😇

    If you ever made it this far in the blog, I hope it meant that you liked and enjoyed reading through it. If you ever find my contents interesting and you want to read more of my future blogs, you can let know by giving me a follow and I'll be sure to follow back, let's be friends. Lastly, if you have any thoughts in mind about my blogs or any suggestion, I would love to know about it. I hope to see you again in my next blog and thank you for the time, it's much appreciated! God bless and stay active-fit everyone! 😁💖
    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

    Daily Activity, Gym, Walking, Weight Lifting
    175.62 cm
    56.7 kg
    Body Fat

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