Dad, Living Up To It!

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Photo of my Dad taken two years ago, on father's day.

    This is in response to an initiative of @ericvancewalton, to make us walk down memory lane and relive those moments long gone, keeping them alive for our future generations.

    You can participate here

    In a year from now you’ll have a legitimate memoir that you can pass along to future generations of your family. But what I really hope is it provides a valuable glimpse into your inner self.

    What is one of your favorite memories of your father?

    I lay on that emergency table, waiting to be wheeled into the operating theatre, the images of half masked doctors and sterile rooms swirling in my brain. The air was thick with fear and tension, the situation was grievous because the doctors had explained the risks involved and the possibility that the surgery might not work, it was a 50:50 thingy but they promised to try their very best. There was a dark shadow hovering over us as Dad sat by my side, his hands holding mine in a firm but gentle grasp, he knew I was so scared, so was he, we could hear each other's quickened heartbeats and I could see him age twenty years in one day. Dark worried lines etched on his face, he didn't force conversation but just held my hand, willing me to pull through and stay alive for him. He told me to be his brave little girl and that everything would be okay.

    These were very intensely emotional moments that would live with me till the very end and I would always remember his soothing words giving me all the strength and courage I needed.

    I didn't live with my parents as a child for long but left home to live with my maternal Grandma at age seven. So the memories I have of my dad before then are very vague but I do know him to be a very kind-hearted person and at the same time, a great disciplinarian.

    At fourteen, I was diagnosed with a tumor growth in my oesophagus, which needed immediate surgery. I remember the solid fear I felt as I was slowly wheeled into that brightly-lit theatre, how I held on to his trembling and sweaty grip, I remember his reassuring words as the anaesthesia gradually began to take effect turning everything into a blur. The surgery was successful and I did recover well but I never forgot the unwavering support and the love of my dad, in those very scary moments of my life.

    And I would always love my dad not just because he's my dad, but because he lived up to being my dad, then, now and ever.

    The photo is mine.

    Thank you @ericvancewalton for this initiative 😊

    I am @edith-4angelseu and thank you for stopping by my neighbourhood.

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